Monday, 04 March 2024 07:58

RIP, Joe Gleixner MSC, 1938-2024, US Province

RIP, Joe Gleixner MSC, 1938-2024, US Province

joe glixner Copy

From the US:  This morning, March 1, our Fr Joseph Gleixner, MSC went to his eternal reward. Fr Joe was a long serving missionary sent to the Diocese of Kavieng in Papua New Guinea. May he now rest in the love and peace of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Many in our Province knew Joe -as a student in Rome in the early 1960s, from his long time in PNG, or meeting him in the US in his retirement.

jg ribat

Visit of Cardinal John Ribat MSC

Some photos – and activities for seniors of the Province.

2019. Every year the Folk choir of Holy Family Parish, Nazareth, PA shares dinner with us and performs a concert after dinner. Inspire of the distraction of the Eagles play off, we enjoyed and truly appreciated the talent of this choir.

jg v valley

2018  DeSale U Physical Therapy Doctoral students come once a year for practice and learning. group exercise

jg exeercise

Archbishop Rochus Tatamai MSC paid tribute to Joe Gleixner

May his soul rest in eternal peace. The faithful and the Clergy of the Catholic Diocese of Kavieng Lorengau owe you their sincere gratitude with fond memories.