First Friday, March. Have you heard of the Day of Unplugging?
The Carolinian
Just what is the Global Day of Unplugging? Well, it is no secret that we are increasingly connected to the world around us. Smartphones, tablets, WiFi access and the Internet have enabled us to be connected to the entire world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every single day of the year.
There are times in our lives when we seem to forget just how necessary it is to step back from out digital devices and other gadgetry and actually perform the ancient art of speaking with people around us and observe the world that is all around us, and not just the pixels forming images of reality on the screen in front of us.
Trinity Church Facebook
For Lent, for the First Friday - Unplug from the electronic world — experience nature, talk to people, and, if even for a short while, live life without screens.
(From the site:
And a late post from the General Administration, following the laudato si steps for 2023