Wednesday, 21 February 2024 22:23

MSC Australia, 2023, the year that was. Publishing and Media Report.

MSC Australia, 2023, the year that was. Publishing and Media Report.

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For the General Administration, Analecta. The tradition has been to name the books and further publications of the province. However, worldwide readership of books has been diminishing, greater reliance on social media. This is reflected in the life of the province.




Brian Gallagher

CELEBRATING 40 YEARS: REFLECTIONS ON A RUBY ANNIVERSARY, (Editor), Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual and Pastoral Formation, Melbourne, 2023, pp.79.


GRACE AND GRATITUDE: A WAY OF LIFE, Coventry Press, Bayswater, 2023, pp. 58.


James Littleton

many bless

MANY BLESSINGS, AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Coogee, 2023, pp. 75.


Peter Malone

DEAR MORE DEAR MOVIES, Coventry Press, 2023, pp. 266.

dear more

HEART OF LIFE SPIRITUALITY CENTRE. A History (continued) 2016-2022, Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual and Pastoral Formation. 2023, pp. 43.

WORDS TO IMAGES TO DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS, MSC AUSTRALIA, Ebook, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, 2023, pp. 112.

CINEMA: TYPEWATCHING AT THE CINEMA. Ebook,  British Association for Psychological Type/ BAPT, 2023, pp.95.



Quarterly, Be on Earth the Heart of God, from Treand House. Glossy paper, colour photos, original articles as well as downloads from the Province website. This has continued through 2023.


Michael Fallon


THE SWAG, Quarterly magazine of the National Council of Priests of Australia.

Homosexuality in the Scriptures. Autumn 2033.


Brian Gallagher

bg monday

A monthly contribution of spirituality and reflection for the Heart of Life site and Facebook page.


Peter Malone

THE SWAG, Quarterly magazine of the National Council of Priests of Australia.

 The Pope’s Exorcist. Winter 2023.

 The New Boy. Spring 2023.

2023… The Year of cinema exorcists. Summer, 2023.

TYPEFACE, British Association for Psychological Type.

Typewatching at the Cinema:  Living – Mr Williams, ISTJ, and a move to Individuation. Summer 2023.

Film reviews.  While monthly reviews appear on Peter Malone's website (on the misacor site), the reviews appear for Jesuit Communications on the Australian Catholics website. There is a monthly Visio Divina post on the Heart of Life Facebook page and a weekly Radio Broadcast on Radio Maria, Film and Faith review.



MSC Mission Office

mission alive

From the MSC Mission office, Roger Purcell does a daily podcast talk, around six minutes, sometimes inviting other MSC, Colin Sinclair, Greg McCann, and OLSH sisters.  This has continued through 2023.


Websites and Facebook pages.


The Province Website, MISACOR. au, established in 2006, in its present form since 2010, has six postings per week. And, automatically, the posting appears on the province’s Facebook Page. This has continued through 2023

Trieu Nguyen and Hoa Tran manage MSC Vocation Australia  Facebook page with daily postings on vocation themes from the MSC congregation and stories and photos promoting vocations. Established in 2021, the page has developed strongly through 2023.


MSC parishes and colleges all have websites as well as Facebook pages. The same for The Chevalier Institute and Heart of Life. Heart of Life shares many of the MSC posts.

Provincial Secretary, Peter Hendriks, reaches most of the province with up-to-date news and information through email.

Many of the members of the province have their personal Facebook pages. Prominent among these is that for Claude Mostowik and the Justice and Peace office.

John Walker has an active Facebook page, often posting photos and memories of Sydney’s past

Khoi and Thang have sites/Facebook pages in Vietnamese.