Vincent and Hoa at Wadeye
Part of MSC formation is mission experience in the NT. Vincent and Hoa are in Wadeye.
Hoa writes: The first week in Wadeye has been very rewarding.
Although, I must admit, the plane ride to Wadeye was a bit turbulent due to a sudden storm, and everyone surely breathed a sigh of relief as the plane safely touched down with Vincent kissing the ground thanking for the safe flight. Memories of Pope John Paul II arriving...
We started our time with a school tour, a smoking ceremony at deacon Boniface’s place,
and attended Mass in Wadeye and Palumpa. Getting to the local supermarket most days and getting to know the community as well.
Vincent and I have also started our work with Orange Sky. Each of us drives a van equipped with washing machines and dryers to different houses. Our main focus is guiding people through the laundry process. most importantly, having conversations with them while they are waiting for the laundry. It's incredible how this organisation enables us to connect with people. Thanks to Leo for introducing us to this initiative.
Over the weekend, we had some good time with the people, who taught us to catch mud crabs and snails. The kids help Vincent and me to be inducted to the community as well.