Khoi Nguyen MSC - A new book published in Vietnam
This new book by Khoi Nguyen msc has been recently published in Vietnam by Hong Duc Publisher as a product to promote faith education and pastoral activity for family life of the Archdiocese of Saigon. Parts of this book were privately printed in Vietnam and publicised in Australia in late 2018 at Khoi’s priestly ordination. This year it had been combined with more recent Vietnamese articles that Khoi wrote, modified and refined by the author and the hard-working editing team in Vietnam, especially Sr Anh Hong, in order to present this book to reader.
This book consists 39 short reflections on ordinary life and faith experiences, some experiences as the author was going through the deep and the dark of the experience of losing his sight. What has come through was a light, not of his own, but of faith and of hope that is beyond everything human can imagine. It was grace born from within. Within the experience itself, within the darkness itself, within the staying with, the being with, with whatever it is given in one’s life. The book is called Hồng Ân Phía Bên Trong. In English it is ‘Grace within’.
More detail to purchase the book: HỒNG ÂN PHÍA BÊN TRONG - Chuyên Đề Giáo Dục - Ban Mục Vụ Gia Đình TGP.SG (