Monday, 26 December 2022 11:59

All We Had

all we had



US, 2016, 104 minutes, Colourful.

Katie Holmes, Stephania Owen, Eve Lindley, Richard Kind, Luke Wilson, Mark Consuelos, Siobhan Fallon, Judy Greer.

Directed by Katie Holmes.


Katie Holmes had built up a career as a film star – and had the experience of marrying Tom Cruise. However, with this film, she began to move into direction as well as acting.

The film is a slice of life, focusing on economic hardships, a portrait of the mother and daughter, Rita and Ruthie, mother played by Katie Holmes, the daughter by Stephania Owen who looks like Katie Holmes and could pass as her sister. Men are absent in their lives except for Rita’s passing liaisons. In trouble, with little money, they decide to make a run for it and drive to Boston.

As happens, the car breaks down, the money is gone, they have a big meal at a diner and then leave without paying. However, the car fails and they return, imposing on the kindness of the manager, Richard Kind, and his associate, Pam, Eve Lindley, transgender, dreaming of going to New York. They are kind, give mother and daughter some accommodation, Ruthie becoming very friendly with Pam who supports her in times of crisis.

Ordinary events, the kind seen in many films, television movies and series.

Rita then makes a mistake, becoming attracted to the local estate agent, who does a deal for her for a house and rent, only for the deal to fall through and Rita feel betrayed. The other man in the film is Lee, Luke Wilson, a widower, drinking, going to AA meetings where he encounters Rita and, gradually, they become closer, Ruthie upset, walking out, supported by Pam.

The phrase everything will be okay occurs often in the film – an underlying hope, and the ending.

  1. An American slice of life, downtrodden people, small town life, opportunities, failures? Hope?
  2. The settings, the small towns, homes, trailers, the streets, diners, AA meetings…? Musical score?
  3. The work of Katie Holmes, directing, starring? Sensitivity? Women’s issues? Mother and daughter?
  4. The situation, Rita, age, education and lack, choices, relationship with Ruthie, the passing men in her life? Ruthie with more common sense? Life together, the shoplifting? The crisis, moving out, the dream of going to Boston, driving, the relationship between mother and daughter? The car failing, going to the garage, the cost?
  5. Going to the diner, not open, helping, Pam and her serving, wary? Marty and his kindness? Rita and Ruthie not paying? Driving off, the car, not starting, returning? Asking for a job?
  6. Rita, working in the diner, awkwardness, learning? Ruthie, going to school, the friends at school, the possibility of rebelling, being like her mother, changing with looking after her mother? The support of the principal?
  7. Ruthie, becoming friends with Pam, Pam and her background, transgender, dreams of going to New York? Sharing time, the art and craft? In the diner?
  8. Marty, kind, unwell? The customers? The declining customers, the possibility of selling?
  9. Mark, attraction to Rita, the dates, real estate, the deal about the house, the rent, signing the document, his fickle attitude, Rita challenging him, his undermining her?
  10. The episode with Lee, at the diner, Rita upset, his coming to apologise? His background, the death of his wife, drinking, going to the AA meetings? Encountering Rita? Beginning to talk, the beginnings of friendship, going out, the possibility of a future, offering mother and daughter his house? A genial character?
  11. Ruthie, the effects of all the trouble, love for her mother, clashes with her mother, suspicions of Vic, verified? Leaving home? Rita upset? Finding her with Pam?
  12. The troubles, coming through them, the statement that everything would be OK?
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