Safeguarding, a key to MSC pastoral care. Students for inservice at the Gregorian University, Rome.
Tim Brennan MSC, Director Professional Standards, Via Asmara, sent this information.
Pope Francis in recent days addressed a special Child Protection gathering of the bishops of Eastern Europe. He challenged them to a greater engagement by their churches in the protection of minors and vulnerable adults.
I encourage you to listen to the cry of the victims and to dedicate yourselves, with each other and with society in a broader sense, in these important discussions because they truly touch the future of the Church in Central and Eastern Europe – not only the Church’s future, but the hearts of Christians as well. This is our responsibility.
You are not the first to have had the responsibility to undertake these steps, which are necessary, and it is probable that you will not be the last. But know that you are not alone in these difficult times.
The recognition of our errors and our failings can certainly make us feel vulnerable and fragile. But it can also present a moment of splendid grace, a moment of self-emptying, that opens new horizons of love and reciprocal service. If we recognize our mistakes, we have nothing to fear, because it will be the Lord himself who will have led us to that point.
Meeting with Juan Carlos Cruz, abuse victim from Chile
With malice toward none and charity toward all, I urge you to be humble instruments of the Lord, at the service of the victims of abuse, considering them as companions and protagonists of a common future, learning from each other and become more faithful and resilient so that, together, we might face the challenges of the future. May the Lord bless you, may the Madonna protect you, and please, do not forget to pray for me. Thank you.
It is encouraging to say such action already under way in one of our MSC Provinces.
The Indonesian Province recently moved in the direction the Pope called for with two members enrolled in the Safeguarding Diploma at the Gregorian University beginning in late September. The five-month course is in English each September, and in Spanish in February. Places in the course require a registration many months in advance. The two MSC are:
Yulius Sodah
I was born on July 11, 1979, in a very small ‘catholic’ village located in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. My family is a mixed culture family. My father is from Maumere, Flores and my mother is from Minahasa, North Sulawesi. I was ordained on July 5th, 2008, in my village and it was such a blessing for me. After my ordination, I was assigned as a formator in the postulancy, assisting two other confreres. After four years, I was sent to study psychology and become qualified formator. I spent seven years to become a psychologist. From January 2020, I was assigned as a formator at MSC Indonesia Scholasticate till now. In September 2019, the MSC Indonesia Leaders Meeting assigned me to be the coordinator of MSC Protocol for safeguarding children. Now, I am in Rome to attend the diploma course on children protection, at the Gregorian University
Fransiskus Bram Tulusan
My full name is Fransiskus Bram Tulusan. Bram is my nick name. I am from Indonesia. I was born October 20, 1982 in Kotamobagu Manado Indonesia. I was ordained as a priest in Manado, June 29, 2011. I have been in formation ministry for 11 years: St Yudas Thadeus Minor seminary Langgur-Diocese of Moluccas (2009-2010), St Francis Xavier Minor Seminary Kakaskasen – Diocese of Manado (2011-2016), MSC Scholasticate Indonesia (2018-2020), MSC Postulancy Indonesia (2020 - now). Cor Vitae, Formation for formators – Philippines (2017). Since 2019, I have been appointed as the member of Protocol team of safeguarding for children and vulnerable adults for the MSC Indonesian Province. It is a new mission and challenging for me as well, for I have to deal with issues that are new, for me at least. To support this ministry, our province sent me to attend the diploma course of safeguarding for children in Rome. The course will be held this September 2021-February 2022.