MSC Magazine | Issue 4 | Summer 2020

Page 6| Missionaries of the Sacred Heart O n Wednesday 21 October Dara- malan College celebrated Cheva- lier Day with a small number of spe- cial visitors to mark the occasion. These included Fr Chris McPhee, Fr Jim Littleton, Fr Bob Irwin, Br Barry Smith, Alison McKenzie and Mark McGinnity. The College Chaplain, Fr Kimi Vunivesilevu, also attended for much of the day including working on one of the food stalls at lunchtime. The day started with an online Litur- gy of the Word which was led by the 2020 student leaders. Fr Chris McPhee spoke to the students about the idea of focussing on one positive thing in these challenging times. He also spoke of the im- portance of love and of not letting negative things in the world distract us from the one thing that really matters. Fr Chris and Mark McGinnity then spent some time in a meeting with the 2020 and 2021 student leaders listening to the students speak about how this year has been for them and their plans for next year. The students spoke open- ly about some of the challenges they have faced and they recognised that from these challenges they have had opportunities to make changes to their traditional roles and responsibilities. They have valued their ability to look for other ways of doing things and rec- ognised that they have developed the skills to be adaptable and innovative. They al- so spoke of how they have learned to appreciate much more the routine things they had taken for granted previ- ously having experienced being in lock- down earlier in the year. Since returning to school they have become very con- fident in doing a range of online events from assemblies to fundraising and the 2021 student leaders said that they are keen to connect online with student leaders in the other three MSC schools in the future. Following morning tea with the staff, Fr Chris blessed and dedicated the reno- vated McMahon courtyard and the plaques for this space were unveiled. The courtyard is dedicated to all Mis- sionaries of the Sacred Heart who have lived and worked at Daramalan Col- lege from 1962-2019. CHEVALIER DAY 2020 at Daramalan College