MSC Magazine | Issue 4 | Summer 2020
Page 43| Missionaries of the Sacred Heart MSC MISSION OFFICE Our usual Publications of Out- reach #82 and the 2021 Calen- dar have been printed and dis- tributed. We are getting quite a few orders for the calendar and some very positive comments on its content and lay out, and some ideas for improvement. The Mustard Seed has been re- printed with most copies still with the printer for distribution as nec- essary. Order forms have been sent out online, in the Newsletter and by email. Some were given free to Monastery, Library, CRC, Provincialate and each MSC school and St John’s Darwin. We are getting a number of orders but not a lot yet. Although travel has been restrict- ed I have been able to go to some parishes for the Mission Appeal. These have been Coogee, Kip- pax, Kensington, Nightcliff, Hen- ley Beach with others necessarily cancelled. Numbers attending were down, so the collection was also down. However the welcome is always good from MSC and lay people. At Nightcliff we had a good evening with the community at the Ranch with Pat in from Tiwi. I also visited Nangalingya College and the Diocesan Offices. For the Bushfire Appeal we have been able to distribute some funds to schools on the South Coast with some good results. From a trip to Sussex Inlet, Conjola and Ulladulla I met people in- volved in the Recovery and we have been able to funnel some funds in that direction. We are happy with that as the people organizing the Group have identi- fied those in need and keep a track of it. More recently while in Adelaide I met people from the “Circle of Friends” who are working with refugees who are being evicted from their homes, with no job, no income and have to find some way to survive. We have been able to help them in a small way with Gift Vouchers. Internet Sean’s niece has been able to connect us to a number of plat- forms on the internet for our publi- cation, webcast and general communication. Sean has been able to help Peter MacInante to set up a website for Chevalier Press so books can be advertised for people to pur- chase and our Office has facilitated the sale of books. We will also advertise a book for Sr Helen Warman, A Great Ad- venture, her life story. We will as- sist her in the sale of books also. We have also initiated regular internet conference with our Mis- sion Offices overseas in Africa, Philippines, Papua New Guinea and India. This gives us some face -to-face communication for infor- mation, questions and interaction otherwise not possible. Roger Purcell msc See the Mission Office live on “ Mission Alive ” every morning at 7.30am news, views, stories, history, reviews. OLSH Sister Bukina Faso Tiwi Islands WYD
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