MSC Magazine | Issue 4 | Summer 2020

Page 34| Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Archbishop Tatamai, who served the diocese of Bereina for eleven years and the diocese of Ka- vieng for two years, since 2018, is a direct de- scendant of Blessed Peter ToRot, catechist and martyr, a reference figure for the Catholic com- munity in Papua. Addressing the families, the Archbishop urged parents to pray and encourage their chil- dren to "live a holy life in the Church". "Pray for your children, so that they become people of faith and remain at the service of the Church as catechists, seminarians and religious". He then underlined the need for the archdi- ocese to become more inclusive in its efforts to improve the quality of the apostolate and pasto- ral action. Thanking his predecessor, Archbishop Panfilo, former ordinary, especially for the evange- lizing action in the area of Pomio, where he found- ed 7 new parishes, recalled his commitment to education, youth ministry, family ministry , pastoral care for vocations and the various social issues addressed. People particularly appreciated the fact that the community has, for the first time, an Archbishop from the same area. "The installation of the first local Archbishop was not only a milestone for the Church, but for the whole province. It is a very im- portant and significant step. We are grateful to God for this gift", said Patricia, a lay Catholic pre- sent. The previous seven Archbishops were mis- sionaries, while "this is the first time that one of us, born and raised here, is called to lead the Church", he noted. During the celebration dances of local cul- tures were carried out and there was a tribute to the missionaries who founded the first mission, 138 years ago, on the island of Matupit. Many mission- aries lived and proclaimed the faith. Many died of malaria or were martyred for their faith. Papua New Guinea has 6 million inhabitants and is a "Christian country", as is written in the Constitu- tion, born after independence: 95% of Papuans are baptized in the many Christian Churches pre- sent, of different denominations. Catholics are about 27%.