MSC Magazine | Issue 4 | Summer 2020

Page 32| Missionaries of the Sacred Heart ROCHUS TATAMAI MSC - Installation Rabaul The ceremony of Installation of the 8th Archbishop of Rabaul, Abp Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC, was a great gathering of well over hundreds of priests, nuns, the Apostolic Nuncio, Sir John Cardinal Ribat, 15 archbishops and bishops, as well as many, many parishioners. The date was set for 29th of September, the Patron Saint of PNG, Archangel Michael. More important- ly, it was also the date when, 138 years ago, the first three MSC missionaries arrived on Matupit Is- land. Today’s celebration featured a glorious liturgy, angelic singing, inspiring speeches and tes- timonies expressing appreciation for the work of the missionaries. Many praises were spoken about the work of the outgoing Abp. Francesco Panfilo SDB and we thanked him deeply for his work among us. Pope Francis and the Nuncio were thanked and blessed for appointing a true son of this land to the new role of Archbishop of Rabaul. After the formal celebrations a colourful, lively and powerful presentation of cultural groups took place. It is always amazing to see the richness of PNG culture which is absolutely unique in the world. Congratulations to Abp. Rochus J. Tatamai, MSC and the people of ENB for the amazing day of celebrations in the history of The Catholic Church and PNG. Vunapope, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea, 29 September 2020 -- A grand Installation Mass of the first local and 8th Archbishop of the Catholic Arch- diocese of Rabaul, His Grace Rochus Josef Ta- tamai MSC was held on Tuesday 29th September, at the Vunapope Sacred Heart Cathedral, East New Britain Province. 29th September is the feast day of the Archangels and St Michael is the patron saint of Papua New Guinea. The Installation had as its theme: “God Wan- taim Yumi”. Archbishop Rochus Tatamai was the main celebrant. Concelebrating with him were 14 bishops. Amongst them were the Apostolic Nuncio