MSC Magazine | Issue 4 | Summer 2020

Page 29| Missionaries of the Sacred Heart ‘I was reminded’, he said, ‘as he bid Hind- marsh farewell of the Book of Ecclesiastes, ‘A time for everything under heaven’ and so it was a time to say goodbye. It was a parish strong on community much like the communi- ty we have here at OLSH.’ But he remains hopeful. Vatican 11 for him was the lightning rod for change. Religious life became different and better. The change from the monastic life to a more open engagement with the laity was very signifi- cant. Latin was replaced by English especially for Scripture Readings at Masses and priests facing the congregation were also significant changes. He welcomes many of the liturgical changes but is not a big fan of the new liturgy. Some thing went wrong, the language in parts is stilted and some words are foreign to all of us in their meaning (consubstantial comes to mind). He is strongly supportive of increasing the role of the laity, not an easy ask involving some loosening of the role of church leaders and the need for more consulting with the laity. ‘We’re all equal be- cause of our Baptism’ he says ‘it’s just there are differing roles for clergy and laity. The world is changing and some of our practices need chang- ing too’. Difficult he says but he is hopeful that meaningful changes will take place. He has great admiration for Pope Francis as he strives to mod- ernise the church especially in the area of social justice. Regrets? ‘I’d like better health but being a priest has given me much joy and I hope that I have helped those many good people I have met along the way’. Bill Brady msc - end left, in Adelaide 2019