MSC Magazine | Issue 4 | Summer 2020

Page 27| Missionaries of the Sacred Heart shines so gloriously not merely because of that but because it was shining through darkness. With my limited vision these days, I find it much easier to see and read with white writing in a black background. Mary had a difficult life with hardships, trials of accu- sations and excommunication. But she shone through as a wom- an of faithful trust in God’s provi- dence. Light shining through darkness is always glorious. It is similar with the feast of the Assumption of Mary. In the midst of the darkness of death, the glo- rious assumption has shone through. Death and darkness can be the final word of the world, but it is definitely not of God. This has been manifested in Jesus, affirmed in Mary, and will be done to and for us. Some- times we painfully realise that darkness is the only way to the light, and practically too much light would hurt our eyes and blur our vision. Life needs both light and darkness from time to time. What I want to conclude with is this. Sometimes our perception is vital. Are we seeing a half full glass or a half empty glass? Are we seeing light surrounding our darkness or darkness surrounding our light? Reflecting on the two feasts we have this month; I see much light embracing our dark time of lockdown and death. Looking at the numbers of new cases and death toll every day, the fear and anxiety of people and myself, I see darkness sur- rounding our flickering light of hope for when we will get over this. Life is never purely light or purely darkness but always a mixed bag, like twilight! Twilight is an image that can capture a perception about life that is not so naïve but also not so pessimistic and despairing. Twi- light tells us that life is not certain but certainly uncertain. It also invites us to be open for anything possible. Possibility may not hap- pen according to our timetable, but it does happen according to God’s time. Also, it portrays how beautiful life is despite its restless ambiguity and paradoxes. I like looking at sunset from our backyard where the sun goes down into the two trees made up a heart shape by their bushy branches. The sun goes down into the heart – very symbolic to me. This is when I see the most beautiful twilight around here. There is always a mixture of a restful peace and an awakening rising in me. Let us continue to keep watch with the twilight in our heart. Take care, keep washing hands… and may God bless you all! Fr Khoi Nguyen msc Formator/Assistant Priest