MSC Magazine | Issue 4 | Summer 2020

Page 25| Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Reconfiguration of Kensington campus: John met becoming superior of all Kenso with sensitivity and respect for others’ feelings. Parish Commitments: John would do weekend supply as needed In particular, he acted as PP at Malabar/Matraville parish during the PP’s illness as he covered fu- nerals and visits to the sick. He never made a big deal of this. He regularly attended diocesan clergy meetings. Significant Funerals: The deaths of Adrian Meaney, Paul Stenhouse and Bishop Des Moore all presented logistical challenges especial- ly in pandemic conditions. The closing of the An- nals coincided with Paul’s death. Our Lady of the Rosary became an ideal setting. While wishing to maintain traditional cordiality to mourners, much change was necessary because of the virus. Spiritual Leadership John would typically quote a passage from the MSC Constitutions as part of a reflection, thereby affirming the vision of Jules Chevalier and followers for our living identity as apostles of the heart of God. John respected individual’s choices regarding litur- gical practice after a lifetime as faithful MSC. John would be celebrant at some community Masses and conduct memorial evenings of recent- ly deceased. At the various opportunities, John would try to in- culcate various values and themes of MSC tradi- tions. Community Comments: Several of us expressed appreciation of his devo- tion to the sick and dying in the community. Some could link this to their own transitions in lifestyle where he showed personal interest and support. His sensitivity was seen also in his style of asking oth- ers to help with ministry; he asked if this or that task was OK rather than publishing a roster. “He has done a pretty good job” is often said. Some stress his dedication to visiting the sick and men at St Joseph’s as well as taking people to appointments. Some talk of his care and sensitivity generally. Some talk of being superior as the job nobody wants – especially, with the unusual conditions of recent times adding a remarkable degree of difficulty to the normal challenge. Coping Skills: John worked on maintaining his physical health and fitness by recreating at the beach – whether Maroubra, Clovelly or elsewhere. His spirited walking up and down in front of the Monastery certainly challenged me to do the same – at least for a while - as I sat trying to work out the daily crossword puzzle. His faithful following of Rugby Union no doubt came down the family from legendary Cyril Towers. Other than that, who knows? Perhaps, it speaks of a healthy lived connection with the Suffering Servant? Perhaps it is best summed up in the words of the MSC prophet, Frank An- dersen in his Trinity Song. So, thanks and congratulations John for your generous service to this community. We wish you every blessing as you return to Darwin to support the parish community at St Paul’s Parish, Nightcliffe and continue the his- toric MSC service to our special people of Northern Australia . J John O’Connor and John Kelliher