MSC Magazine | Issue 4 | Summer 2020

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Issue 4 | Summer 2020 IN THIS ISSUE From the Provincial’s Desk Novitiate Reception Ceremony Chevalier Day at Daramalan College Peter Hearn msc To be on earth the Heart of God Compass Theology Vale John Fahey A man that moves Peter Hendriks msc Leo Wearden msc Kincoppal Communions Universal Basic Income Letter from Henley Beach In appreciation of John Kelliher msc Khoi Nguyen msc reflection Meet Bill Brady msc St John’s College 60 years Jesus as portrayed in the New Testament Rochus Tatamai msc Installation Rabaul RIP Bill Penn Lay msc Life at Little Sisters of the Poor Bringing People Together A letter from the MSC General Team Paul Stenhouse msc-a book of tributes MSC Mission Office What’s On and Recent Appointments