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Saturday, 26 October 2019 06:43



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The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart is now a participating institution under the National Redress Scheme after being declared by the Minister for Social Services on 23rd October, 2019


A person may apply to the National Redress Scheme if:

  • You experienced sexual abuse as a child (under 18 years of age)
  • The abuse happened before 1 July 2018
  • The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart was responsible for bringing you into contact with the person who abused you
  • You were born before 30 June 2010; and,
  • You are an Australian citizen or permanent resident


You can search for the specific sites where the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart have provided services in the past, and currently, at


The National Redress Scheme provides an independent pathway for survivors of institutional abuse to seek acknowledgment of what they have endured and to receive counselling, monetary payment as well as a personal approach if they choose.


Under the rules of the National Redress Scheme any application must be lodged directly with the Scheme itself.


Information about the National Redress Scheme, how to make an application and the support services available can be found on their website or by calling the hotline 1800 737 177.

The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart will continue to provide support and assistance to those who do not wish to use the National Redress Scheme.


The Professional Standards & Safeguarding Office can be contacted either by phoning 02 9665 8999 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


That such events ever occurred is a matter of deep sorrow and profound regret and our apology to those who have suffered as a result is a matter of public record.


Yours sincerely,


Chris R McPhee msc – Provincial – Missiobaries of the Sacred Heart Australia.


Ms. Meta Jackman- Senior Adviser Professional Standards and Safeguarding.


 We are adding the Apology made by the MSC in October 2018.

 safeguarding booklet

 An Open Letter from the Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart – Australia


This Monday, 22 October 2018, the Prime Minister and the Parliament will offer a formal National Apology to people who have been harmed and affected by the tragedy, grief and horror of institutional child sexual abuse.

On behalf of the Province, and with contrition, I say sorry to every person who was harmed – actually or vicariously – by any person formally associated with the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

To the people who sought and were entitled to safety in our care, yet found danger and neglect, I say sorry.

To those who have lost their faith as a result of the behaviour of one of our members, I say sorry.

To the people who have spent many years blaming themselves for the despicable actions of one of our men, I say sorry.  

I say sorry because we did not take the responsibility when it was our duty to do so.

We now live in a post-Royal Commission Australia. We, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, thank the Commission for its diligence and determination.  The Commission’s findings have shone a welcomed and necessary light on us. Through this tragedy our awareness, our understanding and our compassion challenges all of us to a commitment that this tragedy may never recur.

As a Missionary of the Sacred Heart and leader of this Province, I am personally saddened and ashamed of our past history with regard to this issue, and of the failure of the Institutional Church to which I have dedicated my life.

I hereby commit to ensure that the human and systemic failures of the past that have enabled child sexual abuse in our Province to occur, are resolved; permanently and irreversibly.  I am determined the Province will learn from its past and use that learning to be a leading exponent of child-safe practice across our Province, becoming the safe institution we were commissioned to be, and always should be: To be men whose mission is to be on earth the Heart of God.

Humbly yours, in His Heart,

Chris R McPhee msc

Provincial - MSC Australia

Friday, 19 October 2018

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