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Monday, 26 August 2019 11:36



melville use

Monday 26th August, ABC News 24 featured an item on Garden Point Melville Island, interviews with survivors from the Stolen Generation times.

Stolen from their mother and abused, children of Garden Point mission lead charge for justice.  By Stephanie Zilman.  It can be found by Googling:


Chris McPhee, Provincial Superior has sent out his previous letter of apology and the response now to the ABC.



Treand House, 1A Waltham Street

PO Box 252, Coogee NSW 2034 Australia Telephone: 61 2 9665 8999 Facsimile: 61 2 9664 2962

An Open Letter from the Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - Australia

This Monday, 22 October 2018, the Prime Minister and the Parliament will offer a formal National Apology to people who have been harmed and affected by the tragedy, grief and horror of institutional child sexual abuse.

On behalf of the Province, and with contrition, I say sorry to every person who was harmed - actually or vicariously- by any person formally associated with the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

To the people who sought and were entitled to safety in our care, yet found danger and neglect, I say sorry.

To those who have lost their faith as a result of the behaviour of one of our members, I say sorry.

To the people who have spent many years blaming themselves for the despicable actions of one of our men, I say sorry.

I say sorry because we did not take the responsibility when it was our duty to do so.

We now live in a post-Royal Commission Australia. We, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, thank the Commission for its diligence and determination. The Commission's findings have shone a welcomed and necessary light on us. Through this tragedy our awareness, our understanding and our compassion challenges all of us to a commitment that this tragedy may never recur.

As a Missionary of the Sacred Heart and leader of this Province, I am personally saddened and ashamed of our past history with regard to this issue, and of the failure of the Institutional Church to which I have dedicated my life.

I hereby commit to ensure that the human and systemic failures of the past that have enabled child sexual abuse in our Province to occur, are resolved; permanently  and irreversibly.  I am determined  the Province will learn from its past and use that learning to be a leading exponent of child-safe practice across our Province, becoming the safe institution we were commissioned to be, and always should be: To be men whose mission is to be on earth the Heart of God.

Humbly yours, in His Heart,



Response to the ABC Darwin, 16 August 2019

Treand House, 1A Waltham Street

PO Box 252, Coogee NSW 2034 Australia Telephone: 61 2 9665 8999 Facsimile: 61 2 9664 2962

The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Australia have and continue to openly acknowledge that some children have been harmed whilst in our care.


We are sorry for the hurt and suffering that such actions have caused.


Our Provincial has placed on the record a statement acknowledging these failures and our apology to those who experienced abuse. A copy of that is attached. 


The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Australia have and will continue to respond to matters brought to us either directly or through other means.


Any person who may have experienced abuse and wishes to come forward can do so in a number of ways including:


  1. Contacting the Catholic Professional Standards Office via 1300 369 977
  2. Making a report to their local Police
  3. Seeking independent legal advice

We are unable to publicly comment on any legal proceedings.


The National Redress Scheme


The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Australia have recently completed our application for the National Redress Scheme and we await a decision by the Minister in relation to our acceptance into the scheme.


If approved as a participating institution by the Minister, then the National Redress Scheme will provide another option for those coming forward.


The National Redress Scheme is contactable on 1800 737 377 or via their website at


Media Contact:  02 8324 7470