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Tuesday, 11 June 2024 22:34

MSC Vocations Promotion this week, our students in Adelaide

MSC Vocations Promotion this week, our students in Adelaide

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Report and photos from Hoa, photos from Trieu

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This week, Frank Dineen, Trieu, Daniel and Hoa are at Henley Beach Parish, our former MSC parish in Adelaide, for Vocation Promotion. Last Sunday, we visited the Vietnamese Community in Pooraka, where we were very much welcomed by the Monsignor and the whole community.

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We had lots of great conversations with many people who expressed a strong hope for more religious vocations. They promised to distribute our brochures to let more people know about various ways of life in the Church.

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Trieu gave a great speech about our congregation's spirit and got young people to think about their place in the Church. He encouraged people to help their children and grandchildren explore different possibilities.

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Daniel gave a speech in the youth's gathering after Mass. The young crowd really loved him.

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Later that day, we headed off to St. Francis's Cathedral of Adelaide with Frank as the main celebrant with the African community. This time, Hoa shared his journey of joining and rejoining MSC, challenging everyone to think about what they are really looking for in life.  

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During this week, we will catch up with some inquirers (aspirants) in Adelaide and also visit different families. Towards the end of the week, We will be visiting the Filipino community and promoting our vocation there.

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