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Thursday, 04 August 2022 15:47

Sundown/ 2021




Mexico, 2021, 82 minutes, Colour.

Tim Roth, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Albertine Kotting McMillan, Samuel Bottomley, Iazua Larios, Jesus Godinez.

Directed by Michel Franco.


A brief film, popular with arthouse audiences and film festival screenings. It was originally called Driftwood, indicating the lifestyle of the central character. However, Sundown with its application sunset both physical and of life, seems a more apt title. It was written and directed by Mexican director, Michel Franco.

Despite its brief running time, this is a comparatively slow-moving film, moving with its central character, Neil, British, on holiday with his sister and her children in Acapulco. His played by Tim Roth and the impact of the film depends on audience response to Roth and his interpretation of this character.

At first, the audience is invited to luxuriate at an Acapulco resort with Neil, with his sister, Alice (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and her adult children. It is clear that they are affluent and that this is quite an upper-class resort. Then comes some interrupting drama, with news that Neil’s and Alice’s mother is dying in England, then that she has died.

However, Neil pretends that he has left his passport behind does not go with the family to England, going back to the resort, checking out, finding a sympathetic taxi driver (who later becomes the villain of the drama), checking into a small hotel and spending all his time, wandering, lounging in the sun, on the beach, continually drinking beer. He seems absolutely idle and we as an audience might wonder why.

But there is more drama to come, Alice returning, confronting Neil about his abandoning her and the family at a crucial and emotional time, her children also returning violently attacking Neil.

Gradually, some of the family details, the family business, are revealed, Neil and his preference for drifting in Acapulco, not wanting to return to the business. There is a shock when a crime is committed and Neil arrested and held in prison under suspicion.

However, there is a resolution – of sorts. Neil opts for Acapulco, the pleasant company of a young woman, Berenice, encountered at her shop and had spent a lot of time with her.

Then a final revelation, why the film is called Sundown. And, without an ending as such, the film stops, leaving us to reflect on what we have seen, on Neil and his character, on the issues.

  1. A British story in the Mexican setting?
  2. Acapulco, the city, the views, buildings, streets, hotels, restaurants? Resorts and comforts? The beaches? The sea? Prison and police precincts? The musical score?
  3. Neil’s story, his family, the financial background, his age? On holidays with Alice and her children? Enjoying the lavish resort? The high lifestyle? The interaction, the news of his mother’s illness, the news of her death, Alice planning return to London, the airport, Neil saying he had lost his passport, going back to the hotel?
  4. Neil and his deception, leaving the resort, meeting Jorge, the hotel, his connections, the landlady, the room, his things later being stolen? His staying in Acapulco, refusing Alice’s phone calls, eating out, drinking beer, at the beach, sunning himself? Audience response to his behaviour?
  5. Alice and her return, confronting Neil, blaming him for not supporting her at their mother’s death, absence from the funeral? The discussions about the will? The presence of the lawyer? The discussions, Alice and the management, a monthly allowance for Neil? Alice and the confrontation with Jorge and the men, her death?
  6. The arrival of the niece and nephew, their bitterness torture Neil?
  7. The lawyer, signing over the whole company to them, his allowance?
  8. The arrest, accusation of conspiracy to kill his sister for the money? In prison, the lawyer, Freed?
  9. Walking the streets, the shops, the encounter with Berenice and her friends, meeting up, the relationship with Berenice, relying on her, her company?
  10. Neil, free, his fall, hospital? Getting out, walking the streets, leaving his clothes, the film ending, his disappearance? Death? Suicide? The film’s title and the Sundown of Neil’s life?