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Wednesday, 20 July 2022 22:26

In praise of the elders, Tony Young MSC, 60 years ordained

In praise of the elders, Tony Young MSC, 60 years ordained

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Tony has spent the best part of 60 years of priestly ministry in PNG, especially in Nimowa and Eastern Papua.

He established Hope Academy for online learning. We have featured the Academy over the years.

hope acad poster

But with covid these years and other pressures, the Academy has been experiencing difficulties.

And, here is part of a report to this year’s Provincial Conference, one of the glimpses of challenge in 2022.

Levelling the Playing Field.

Last night a group of young men invaded camera and Highs School, robbed the students and teachers are phones, money, food, and anything else worthwhile, and a shootout with the police, and disappeared. The same thing happened at huggy Tech at high School a few weeks ago but there Hall of booty was much less. Father Joe has got “Memory” – a bullet hole in the side of his utility!

The big question for me is “why is this happening”? Although we have had what is almost a civil war between young men and the police for three years now, this is the first time the schools have been targeted.

One answer to the question might be that high schools are a symbol of privilege: a large majority of young people in the Province were never given a chance to further their education past Primary. They are definitely playing on an uneven field.


15 years of experience has convinced me that the only way to level the field is to give everyone who wants it the opportunity for free education. At the Academy, we have not been able to do that – yet. The possibilities there, but, again, the necessity for a permanent source of income for the Academy is clear.


Such of the dilemmas facing us now. We have no answers yet, but we will welcome suggestions from anyone who thinks they might be able to help.

Meanwhile, “Full ahead!”.