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Tuesday, 19 July 2022 22:39

A PS to the Plenary Synod.

A PS to the Plenary Synod.

08 09 the synodal path Copy

(Acknowledging Columban Missionaries for the illustration)


Many important decisions, as with First Nation issues and the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Disappointment as to articulating women and men in the Church, equality and ministry.


At the time, Pope Francis met with editors of Jesuit magazines, a paragraph offering a PS on the Synod.

This is the principle that I wanted to tell you about and that I recommend to you: reality is superior to the idea, and therefore you must deal with ideas and reflections that arise from reality.

When you enter the world of ideas alone and move away from reality you end up with what is ridiculous. Ideas are discussed, reality is discerned.


sj editors


You may have been Googling to discover more about the Plenary.  Your editor discovered in dismay a Guest Contributor, Sandy Wallace, to the Catholic Weekly, Sydney, below.

lamb poster

If you are dismayed in reading these views, Google Christopher Lamb, journalist with the British Tablet who observed the Synod and gave the annual Helder Camara Lecture (text can be found in Parramatta’s



**The denunciation (you may need to breathe in): 

The Plenary’s agenda must be exposed

The Catholic Church is Mystical and Life giving by nature not synodal

The Catholic Church was born from the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. She is not a man made construct open to endless manipulation and change.

What has been taking place under the guise of a ‘Plenary Council’ over the last five years is a betrayal of most basic and fundamental understanding of the nature of the Catholic Church. The path that has been followed in the preparation and ‘process’ for the Plenary Council, it is not a legitimate ‘development’ of tradition, it is not a ‘new’ interpretation, consistent with the Canon Law or tradition. It is nothing less than a rejection of the authentic Christ given teaching of the nature of the Catholic Church.

“The very nature of what has taken place under the guise of a ‘Plenary Council’ can be considered nothing less than an offense to God that itself requires acts of penance.”