Friday, 26 November 2021 23:29

YTU staff honoured at farewell, Philip Malone MSC, Bruce Duncan CSsR, Mark O’Brien OP, Glenda Bourke SGS.

YTU staff honoured at farewell, Philip Malone MSC, Bruce Duncan CSsR, Mark O’Brien OP, Glenda Bourke SGS.

Philip Malone Copy

At the annual YTU staff dinner, hosted by the Passionist community at Templestowe, the retiring lecturers were honoured.  MSC Students have attended YTU since 1972, 50 years, which means quite an influence on MSC Formation and Education. Many MSC have been on the staff.  Many will have memories of the retiring lecturers.

Chris hosting Copy

Chris Monaghan CP hosting, President of YTU


Bruce Duncan did secondary studies at Chevalier College in the 1960s.

Bruce Duncan reply Copy

Philip Malone had some memories – even of times of congregations collaborating before YTU was thought of!


There is much for me to look forward to at this time, and I do, but I would like to indulge in one final bout of looking back - to a time even before the almost fifty year old YTU - to recall the Student Theological Association which began in 1965 and thrived for a number of years as YTU emerged through various phases. This was an initiative of seminarians of that period, the records of which, as far as I know, sadly, have not survived.

Bruce and Philip 2

Passionist and Blessed Sacrament students had moved to Melbourne, making possible more sporting and social activities among a now large contingent of seminarians. But it was felt there should be more interaction along academic and pastoral lines.

To this end, a group of Franciscan, Diocesan and MSC students met on a number of occasions at St Paschal College to explore possibilities, and there emerged the STA, with MSCs forming the first executive and myself as inaugural president.


It was a well-received venture, with most seminaries keen to be involved. Indeed, the Redemptorist students travelled regularly from Ballarat to be with us for STA occasions.

Once established, the STA organised many and varied opportunities and functions for students to attend, including inviting international speakers to address us while they were in Melbourne. Two who stand out in my memory are Cardinal Joseph Cardijn and Pierre Babin OMI from Lyon in France, a leader in the Catechetical Movement.

I offer this reflection not simply as something 'from the past', but as a reminder how 'the past' plays its part in forming the future. In this sense my hope is that in moving on, as we all do in time, 'my YTU past' will be part of the future of YTU.

 'con te partirò - time to say goodbye'  


Mark O'Brien taught Scripture for many decades but could not be present at the dinner. 



Glenda Bourke has taught Scripture in more recent years. Sadly, she is in hospital with serious illness.


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