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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:40



UK, 1975, 111 minutes, Colour.
John Wayne, Richard Attenborough, Judy Geeson, Mel Ferrer, James Booth, John Vernon.
Directed by Douglas Hickox.

John Wayne has had top billing for almost half a century of worldwide popularity. But Wayne now looks monumental. Here he acts and jokes about his age, but he is still the big, tough American he man, a policeman getting his man. But this is an English film (director and many actors) and Brannigan of Chicago at work in London provides room for comment on US and British methods of justice (in the form of Richard Attenborough, assisted by policewoman Judy Geeson). Mod style photography a crashing musical score and villains like John Vernon, Mel Ferrer and James Booth combine for rather enjoyable Wayne action.

1. How satisfying a John Wayne film? The fulfilment of audience expectations about Wayne? About police epics?

2. How satisfying an example of the police genre of the 70's? The presentation of American and British styles? Their clash?

3. John Wayne and his values? His Americanism? The overtones of the American west? His strong and self confident style? The transplanting of these to London? The nature of the results?

4. The title and the focus on the tough hero? Wayne's appearance and the bashing down of the door? The focusing on the gun? The reverence for Wayne? Is it deserved? Admiration for his strength?

5. The success of the plot: the Chicago opening. the flight. the transplanting to another world? The atmosphere of London, the use of the wide screen and colour and tourism aspects? The contrast of the staid English police? American criminals in London? English criminals? Assassination attempts. chases over Tower Bridge? The roughhouse atmosphere compared with America?

6. How credible were Lichens and Fields as villains? The complications of the plot, deceits, murders?

7. The success of the set pieces for this kind of film: the clashes of the two police chiefs, the status of the policewoman, the fight in the pub, the car chase, Brannigan's final breaking in, the deaths?

8. Was the character of Brannigan developed? His background, his values? His being presented as a hero? The outlook of policewoman Thatcher, of Swann?

9. The contrast of Sir Charles Swann? The British copper. even in an office? The prim and properness of policewoman Thatcher?

10. The finale with Larkin and Fields? The revealing of the truth? The violence and death?

11. The contributions of the minor villains: Charlie. Drexel. Gorman? The atmosphere of menace? The credibility of their characters?

12. Audience response to police values. attitudes towards criminals, justice and its administration?

13. The adventure conventions used in this film? How enjoyable and interesting of its kind?