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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:39



US, 2003, 110 minutes, Colour.
Daniel Letterie, Joanna Chilcott, Robin de Jesus, Tiffany Taylor, Don Dixon, Alana Allen, Anna Kendrick.
Directed by Todd Graf.

This is a variation on the Fame theme. Youngsters go to a camp in up-state New York where they put on several musicals and plays over the summer, learn their craft and hope for a career in theatre. It is full of songs, especially from Stephen Sondheim musicals - which are bit too sophisticated for the experience of these would-be actors. Stephen Sondheim himself even turns up at the end and is on the end of a great deal of adolescent idolatry.

While the film has a literal title for the summer camp, it also has overtones of the alternate meaning of 'camp'. This is seen in the presentation of the musicals but also in some of the characters who are struggling with sexual identity.

The hero is Vlad (Daniel Letterie) who plays guitar, has to act in a Samuel Beckett play and juggle the affections of several girls, especially a plain Jane who wins out in the end. Vlad's roommate is Michael whom we first see in drag attempting to go to the school prom. Michael is moody, his parents have disowned him but he has verve and talent and is well played by Robin de Jesus.

There are plenty of excerpts from plays, the difficulties in putting on a show, some unexpected talent emerging, especially Tiffany Taylor with a powerful song at the end.

If you are a Fame fan, then you will probably enjoy it. For others, perhaps...

1. The American musical film tradition? The influence of such films as Fame?

2. The location, the use of the actual camp? The rooms, the facilities, the theatres?

3. The music: the opening, the range of songs, especially from Broadway musical theatre? The songs of Stephen Sondheim, the Burt Bacharach songs etc? The creation of the fictional Bert Handley? The auditions, the backgrounds of the students, their performances? Revealing character? Finding Bert's song, playing it? The Century Planet, Bert and his reaction, his joining in? The benefit, Jenna and "Here I Am"? The final credits? The range, the examples? The American theatre tradition?

4. The title, the actual camp, the students going to the camp and music theatre? Theatrical, personalities? The nuance of camp and the gay overtones? Characters, behaviour, cliches? Discussions, sexual preferences, jokes, homosexuality, lesbianism - and some serious observations on the issue of sexual identity?

5. The plot, the tradition of putting on the show? The Mickey Rooney-Judy? Garland tradition? Fame? The parents seeing the children off to the camp, travelling to the camp, the sharing of rooms, life at the camp, auditions, rehearsals, performance, problems, success?

6. The opening song and its feeling: the introduction to Vlad, to Ellen, to Michael?

7. The bus, Jenna and the braces on her teeth, her parents and their criticism of her eating? Jill and Trixie and the carrying the case, Trixie's adoration of Jill, Jill using her? Vlad, musical, the guitar - and his being the straight man amongst camp aspects? The sports trainer and his encounter with the young man who had no intention of playing sport?

8. Vlad and his being assigned to Michael's room, Ellen and her presence, the gay friends, the chatter? Vlad and his feeling awkward? Michael and Vlad sharing, talking, their family stories? Michael's parents and his resentment, Vlad urging him to phone them, his doing so, their promise to come to the performance, their not doing it? His sense of failure? Vlad, successful, the friendship with Ellen, rehearsals with her? The audience seeing Vlad take the tablet, later learning about his obsession, especially counting? The girls, the bisexual issues, Vlad and his trying to please, the birthday celebration, the finale, the swim and the flirting with Michael? Michael forgiving him?

9. The character of Vlad, ordinary, his family, wanting to act, singing, the audition and his success, being nice to Ellen? The Becket play and the director and his criticisms? The encounter with Jill, sexual encounter? The insult, the roof and Ellen and her being hurt? The quality of his relationship with Jill, casual? His relationship to Michael, listening, the swim, the suggestiveness? Di, the sexual encounter, Ellen being hurt again? His girlfriend turning up? His future?

10. The introduction to Michael, being a drag queen at the prom, his being attacked? His father, ousting him from the home, his room, friends, Ellen? Performance, Romeo and Juliet, the aftermath of the phone call and his being excited, upset when his parents didn't come? Relying on Vlad? The sexual encounter with Di - proving nothing?

11. Ellen, at home, her brother calling her a loser? With Michael and the friendship over the years? The rehearsals, with Vlad and the play, Vlad defending her? On the roof, infatuated, insulted? The kiss? Her being hurt because of his relationship with Jill, with Di? The dressing room, Julie's coming in? The reconciliation and forgiveness?

12. Jenna, her mouth, her parents, Romeo and Juliet and the awkwardness of Michael's poor performance? Encouragement from the staff, her father being critical of her at the finale, her going on, the power of her singing, getting the brace off her teeth, her mother's joy, her father's apology?

13. Di and Ellen, their friendship, Di and her flirting with Michael, with Vlad?

14. Jill, the spoilt prom queen, Trixie, doing everything for Jill yet being spurned? Her singing the Sondheim - based on All About Eve and Trixie being the equivalent of Eve? The end, her trying to spoil Jill's performance, her becoming victim as well?

15. The exuberant young boy, performance, not wanting to play sport?

16. The black brothers, the discussion about Fiddler on the Roof, the small brother and his exuberant dancing?

17. Bert, his reputation, the one musical play, his drinking, the rehearsals, being very demanding? Vlad finding his music, praising him - and Bert being suspicious? Vlad playing his song, listening, coming to join in? His strong speech about the would-be actors being unreal and urging them to come down to the Planet? His later changing his mind? Performance, the medley, the success, the visit of Stephen Sondheim and his friendship with Bert?

18. The manager of the camp, his control of the students, keeping peace with the staff?

19. The range of other students, the ensemble? Bert being correct about the unreal world and their being misfits? But their talent - and perhaps their having to be misfits? (**HAVE I USED THE RIGHT "THEIR"??)

20. The theatre, tradition, performance, musical tribute, humour, critique - and camp?