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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:39

Consenting Adult


US, 1985, 100minutes, Colour.
Marlo Thomas, Martin Sheen, Barry Tubb, Talia Balsam, Ben Piazza.
Directed by Gilbert Cates.

Consenting Adult is a telemovie well worth seeing. It is very much an 1980s telemovie. It focuses on an ordinary American family with the son having to tell his parents that he is homosexual. The screenplay is well-written, presents various points of view (personal, social, moral). It shows the dilemma of the homosexual. It highlights the responses of the parents and of society. It makes a plea for humane understanding irrespective of moral and social points of view.

The film is well served by Marlo Thomas as the mother, Martin Sheen as the father and Barry Tubbs as the son. There is a good supporting cast which brings to life characters and attitudes. The direction is by Gilbert Cates who directed such interesting films as I Never Sang For My Father, To All My Friends On Shore (as well as some soap opera romances and comedies as The Promise and The Last American Couple).

1. Impact? Interest? Entertainment? Message?

2. The telemovie as a vehicle for presenting social issues, dramatising social issues? Its style for the home audience? Serious issues, television (mini-series, soap opera styles)? The blend of the popular and the serious?

3. The stance of the film-makers: to enlighten audiences, to change attitudes? Moral stances, social stances, humane stances?

4. The title and expectations? Society's attitudes towards homosexuality? Abhorrence, acceptance, ignorance, fear of stigma, disgust, judging homosexuality unnatural, an illness to be cured? The issue in theory? In reality?

5. The average American family: Ken and his ill-health, recovery, the party, family and friends, the love of his wife, a joker? Tess and her warmth, her style, her poise, friends? The two children? Happiness and dreams, expectations? Marge and Nate and their marriage, expecting their child? Jeff and his work at university, skill in sport? Their home, the photos, friends over the years, doctor-adviser etc.?

6. The introduction to Jeff - in his photo, the phone call to his father, tensions, wanting to meet his mother, his taking courage to tell her about his homosexuality, his embarrassment? The importance of his earnestness, embarrassment, lack of experience, knowing in his heart of hearts that he was homosexual? The lies, the truth? Pressures? His dialogue - illustrating the human dilemmas of the homosexual, sincere efforts at discovery, truth? Attractions., feelings? His having to cope with his mother's reaction? His father's ignoring him? Agreeing to go to the doctor for interviews? The discussions with the doctor, the possibility of cure? His dipping out of the counselling? The effect on him? His mother's bewilderment but her attempts to understand, his father ignoring him? His desperation, the loneliness in the diner, the encounter with the lonely young man, his advance, his experience and its effect?

7. The growing tension, Jeff's talks with his mother, the New Year's party and the fumbling attempts with Sue, the failure of rapport? Marge's support, Marge and Nate having him at their home? His encounter with the homosexuals in the bar, his standing up for them, his room-mate thinking he was joking, his telling him the truth, his violent reaction? His making a new life, meeting Stuart? Working in the hospital? Tess seeing them together and showing their affection? The effect on his life? Sharing his life with Stuart? Jeff’s explanation of himself in terms of love, feelings, warmth, being alive, being cut off? The impact of his father's death. the funeral, lack of reconciliation? His mother's giving him the letter? A reconciliation? His mother's invitation to celebrate Christmas and for him to bring Stuart? Acceptance, responsibility, coping, his not choosing homosexuality but discovering it?

8. Tess and Ken and their tension. the shock, reactions, Tess's puzzle, discussions with Clare, with Marge? The contrast of her joy at Marge's pregnancy? Wanting to influence her -but Marge wanting to be independent? Having to tell Ken, the way she could do it, coping with his bitterness? The importance of Ken's reaction. speeches summarising his own reaction? His lack of understanding. lack of tolerance? Disgust? Tess and the doctor. the interviews, the possibility of a cure? The holiday, putting Jeff with Sue? Jeff's telling the truth? The birthday celebration, Ken and his letter. his inability to send it? Ken and his health, checkups? A possible reconciliation - and then his death? The funeral?

9. Ken as a father. his expectations, joking style. health, sport - and not going to see Jeff swim? Taking his photo away. refusing to see his son. disappointment? His speeches of hurt about the future of his family? The typical reaction of a parent?

10. Marge and Nate, happy marriage. the beginning of a family? Concern for Jeff? The differing generations? The birth of the baby and their joy?

11. Pete and his friendship with Jeff, disbelief in the bar. the anger in the room and sending him out. feeling that he would be accused of homosexuality? Sue and the friendship with Jeff, his attempts at affection for her, disappointment?

12. The sketch of homosexuals: the pick-up at the diner, the couple in the bar and their being attacked and mocked, Stuart and his friendship, lifestyle?

13. The orderly American dream, behaviour standards. appearances? Disappointment - and the facing of reality?

14. The impact of the film as a story, character study? Audiences identifying with characters and attitudes? The film's influence on changing attitudes?