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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:39

Confessions of Felix Krull, The


Germany, 1958, 110 minutes, Black and White.
Horst Buchholz, Liselotte Pulver.
Directed by Kurt Hoffmann.

The Confessions of Felix Krull is based on Thomas Mann’s last novel and tells the story of an attractive and vain young confidence man and tilts at early 20th century society (especially English and French) as well. Depth is not the order of the day, but young Horst Buchholtz confidence man gets the confidence of the audience, and carries us along with him in his adventures. We tend to identify with charming confidence men and are prepared to overlook their wrong-doing. Why?

The film was made by Germans and shows a rather lighter touch than one might expect. Potential confidence men might like to discuss the film (Joe Buck need not have failed as a Midnight Cowboy had he taken lessons from Felix Krull.)

1. A confidence man - what is he and why? Why is he so attractive even when amoral or crooked?

2. What explanation did the film give for Felix's vocation in life as a trickster?

3. How satirical was the film? Since the film had a confidence man as its hero, why was it easy for the film to be satirical? (While the audience sees things from Felix's viewpoint, Felix himself is being satirised as well as being admired.)

4. Why do we admire Felix? Charm, success, luck, not over serious about life? Because the people he tricks need ridiculing?

5. Who are Felix's victims? What human characteristics are ridiculed? What national characteristics are satirised?

6. The film is based on a novel by the great author, Thomas Mann. How important was the contribution made by this film to understanding what it is to be human?