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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:39

Caine Mutiny, The


US, 1954, 125 Minutes, Colour.
Humphrey Bogart, Jose Ferrer, Van Johnson, Fred MacMurray?, Robert Francis, May Wynn.
Directed by Edward Dmytryk.

The Caine Mutiny was one of the most popular and acclaimed films of 1954. Based on the Pulitzer prize-winning novel by Herman Wouk, it was the basis for a drama, the Caine Mutiny Court Martial. Stanley Kramer as producer had some difficulties in bringing the film to the screen, especially with criticism from the U.S. Navy. It was suggested the film be called The Caine Incident. The prologue says there has never been a mutiny in the U.S. Navy and adds that the film portrays how men react in crisis situations. The film is ultimately dedicated to the U.S. Navy.

Humphrey Bogart was eager to portray Captain Queeg. He gives a very interesting performance as the paranoid captain of the ship. He won an Oscar nomination for his performance. Van Johnson, generally considered a light-weight actor and more of a song-and-dance man and comedian, is very effective as Stephen Maryk who takes over from Capt. Queeg. Fred Mac Murray portrays very well the unsympathetic role of Keefer. Jose Ferrer arrives at the end and makes an impact as the defending attorney. E.G. Marshall, Lee Marvin, Claude Akins appear in supporting roles. Robert Francis, who was to die soon after this film, is introduced. Tom Tully, a veteran of many films, is excellent as the first captain of The Caine.

The colour photography, the inclusion of war material the rousing score by Max Steiner incorporating traditional Forces' melodies are all excellent. Direction is by Edward Dmytryk, a competent director who had been one of the Hollywood Ten. He was to work with Bogart this year in the Left Hand of God and with Van Johnson the following year in the adaptation of Graham Greene's The End of the Affair. The Caine Mutiny is an excellent example of Hollywood film-making.

1. The classic status of the film? Interest and entertainment? A picture of the United States in the 40s and 50s? The use of the Navy as the setting and as the occasion for the issues? Themes of authority and freedom?

2. The film reflecting the mood of the 50s? The predominance of the United States in world power and influence? The background of the McCarthyist? era? The status of the Armed Forces?

3. Colour photography, the presentation of the ship and its life, sea and war? The contribution of Max Steiner's score? The American mood?

4. The film's focus on Ensign Keith? opening with him, his graduation and family problems, entering The Caine with him, sharing his learning experiences, his changing, his idealism being tempered by his experience, the crises, the mutiny itself, the trial, the vindication? His new appointment and facing the future? The effectiveness of the personal story and the sequences interspersed throughout the film? Viewing the other members of The Caine through his eyes? Sharing his emotional response yet knowing more than he did? As representing the average American Navy man?

5. The film's dedication to the Navy, the introduction about mutinies in the Navy? The presentation of Navy traditions, the place of the Navy in the Armed Forces, the ending with the reflections on the right and wrongs and responsibilities of the mutiny?

6. The presentation of the Navy traditions: Keith and his graduation, the speech, his arrival at The Caine and his disappointment, his ideals and his study, his making mistakes, the reports about him? The presentation of Captain de Vries? His weariness? The contrast with the way that he ran the ship with Captain Queeg? Navy traditions by the book, the value of the Articles, the Rules? The possibility of court martials and the administration of justice?

7. Keith as a person, an engaging young man, his background with his mother, love for may, his decisions as exemplified in the visit to the night club? His choice of staying on The Caine? The details of his mistakes, especially the falling in the water and the lapse of three days with the message? His judging Captain de Vries? His hopes for Captain Queeg, his respect and liking for him at the initial meeting, the experience of Queeg's erratic behaviour, his saying that it turned to hatred? His personal views and the way they influence his behaviour? The interspersion of the sequences with May, especially at Yosemite? His mother and her influence? May's refusal of the engagement? His behaviour during the mutiny, during the trial? His rejoicing at the end and his illusions shattered by Barney, by Keefer? His hopes as he took up his new command and the irony of Captain de Vries being present?

8. The emphasis on Captain de Vries at the beginning as a contrast with Queeg? Casual meeting of Keith, his seemingly lax ship, the exercises and his wanting to be efficient, the relief? His being tired? His being li ed on The Caine, eg. the dedication of the Watch? Keith's reaction to what seemed to be a sloppy ship? The contrast with Queeg's running by the book? Captain de Vries' appearance at the end - had he struck a balance in authority and command?

9. The transition to the arrival of Captain Queeg - comparatively late in the film? Expectations of Humphrey Bogart and the quality of his performance? Queeg's Atlantic warfare background, the manner of his taking over, his talk to his officers and his phrases and cliches eg. "I kid you not"? The rolling of the metal balls? The incident about the shirt-tail? The build-up to the cutting of the target and his discussion about shirt-tails and morale? The build-up to following orders and Queeg's getting out of them by defending himself, eg. with the story of the defective cable? His speech after justifying himself in San Francisco? The beach-head situation and his panic and the use of the yellow stain? The importance of Maryk and his diary? The culmination with the meeting about the strawberries, the meticulous measuring out of the portions, the examination for the keys? The background of refusing leave, arguing with people about dressing in battle gear? The final stroke in the storm and the clash of decisions? The strain, his decisions by the book, the nature of paranoia as described by Keefer and as described during the court case? His apology and the men not rallying to him? Audience sympathy for him or not? Sharing the views of the officers? The experience of the mutiny? His appearance in court, answering questions, his long speech about the strawberries and his breakdown? Barney commenting about his being torpedoed and his regret of this? Barney's drunken speech as a justification of Queeg and how he might have been helped?

10. The contrast with Steve Maryk as the good Navy man? The quality of Van Johnson's performance? Qualities of loyalty, his exercise of authority? Friendship with Keefer, the meeting with Keith? The practical man? The suggestions of paranoia, the diary, his studying the books? The visit to Halsey and his being persuaded to return? His realising that Queeg was making an apology yet his not helping him? Was he right to take over in the storm situation? His honesty with Barney? His answering of questions and admitting his ignorance of psychology? Could he have helped Queeg? Could he have helped him cope? His admitting his mistakes, especially at the end and his responsibility? How good a man was Maryk? The film's judgement on him?

11. The contrast with Keefer - Fred MacMurray's style? Flip remarks, cynicism, the tour of the ship by the new ensigns, his presence at meetings and his quiet cynicism and criticism? His suggestion to Steve about the paranoia and yet his backing down? The visit to Admiral Halsey and his advising them to leave? His experience during the mutiny itself? His fear, his answers during the trial? His arriving at the party and saying he did not have the guts to be absent? The importance of the confrontation by Barney, were his criticisms justified? Novel writer, making money, prominence? Yet the real author of The Caine Mutiny and responsible for it? Guilt, conscience, his responsibility for Queeg's downfall and Maryk's court martial?

12. Barney - as a person, his testing out Maryk and decision about taking on the case? His skill in the court and being quiet, asking questions? His interrogation of Queeg and his looking at him? His drunken arrival, the telling of the truth to the officers about how they should have behaved, the confrontation with Keefer? The mouth-piece for the film of an assessment of the overall mutiny?

13. The presentation of the ordinary sailors - their work on the ship, comedy aspects, complaints, heroism as exemplified in their presence at the trial?

14. The film's attention to the details of navy life and morale - at the dock, exercises, de Vries and Queeg both wanting excellence? Participation in battle? The yellow stain experience and the reports?

15. The dramatics of Queeg's discussions with the officers, his manner and nerves, the length given to the strawberry sequence and the key investigation?

16. The effectiveness of the storm, orders, the visuals of the storm, the difficulties in the bridge, Maryk’s decision, Queeg's reaction?

17. How effective as drama was the trial - its brevity, the interview with the psychiatrist and his questioning, the limitations of his evidence, the interrogation of the men., especially Keefer? Maryk in the stand? The build-up to Queeg's arrival and his breakdown? The manner of interrogation by the prosecutor, the decisions of the judges? Where did audience sympathies lie during the trial? Barney and Maryk and the judges and prosecutor watching Queeg during his speech?

18. The background of May and Keith's mother with the human and romantic touch? The nightclub scene and song, Yosemite, the war and the ocean? The happy ending?

19. How interesting a presentation of a mutiny situation and the administration of justice? How fair was the presentation of the points-of-view? Question of responsibility and action?