US, 1954, 93 minutes, Colour.
Guy Madison, Joan Weldon, James Whitmore.
Directed by David Butler.
The Command is an entertaining, routine western, made in the new cinemascope process in the early 50s. Guy Madison was a popular star of B budget actioners at the time. James Whitmore is in support. The screenplay echoes the changing attitudes towards Indians in the early 50s (after Broken Arrow, Devil's Doorway and other sympathetic movies). The film also highlights the lack of immunity of the Indians against western diseases, especially smallpox and chicken pox and their devastation. The focus is on the cavalry clashing with the infantry, the Indians pursuing the wagon trains and the cavalry, the post Custer period and the skilfulness of the doctor who takes command of the group. Direction is by David Butler, better known for comedies and musicals.
1. Interesting and entertaining western? Of the 50s? Attitudes towards the Indians, sympathy, hostility, changing attitudes?
2. Cinemascope, colour, locations, action? Musical Score?
3. The title, the focus on Robert McClaw? His being the doctor, taking command, reactions of the infantry, people, Martha? His success?
4. Audience familiarity with the situation: Custer's defeat, the pursuit by the Indians, the pioneers going West, the role of the infantry, the cavalry, their rivalry and clash? The deaths, command? Dangers? The diseases - and the effect on the Indians? Fighting, death - pro and anti war?
5. Robert McClaw?, the doctor, his skills? The death of the officer, his being ordered to take over? Elliot's loyalty? The criticism of the men? Robert making his mark? Getting the men back to the camp? Janeway and his hostility, infantry rivalry? Martha, the Pellegrino family and the illness? Robert not letting people know that he was the doctor? Clashes with Martha? The nature of the disease? The need to take the group back to camp? The plan, the trek? The isolation of the ill? Janeway and his command? The dangers, the Indians? The forced march and weakness? The book, the open mind - the plan? The wagons, the Pioneers going to the piss? The deceiving of the Indians? The battle, the rout? The Indians? Robert and his criticisms of Martha, the spreading of disease amongst the Indians? His staying in the West with her?
6. Elliot, by the book, loyalty, command, support? The other officers? The need for morale? Janeway and his criticisms? Robert not telling them he was a doctor? The troops and their criticisms? The final loyalty, dressing as women to impersonate pioneers and deceive the Indians? The final loyalty?
7. Martha, care for the Pellegrino family, the dead boy? Her poor judgement in isolating the case? Hostility towards Robert? Attraction? The finding out of the truth - the happy ending?
8. Typical western from Hollywood of the 50s?