US, 2001, 120 minutes, Colour.
Robert Redford, Brad Pitt, Catherine Mc Cormack, Stephen Dillane, Marianne Jean- Baptiste, David Hemmings, Charlotte Rampling.
Directed by Tony Scott.
Rushed into release in the United States as soon it was ready at the end of 2001. Director Tony Scott made the film earlier in the year and found it was ready for release as reality was starting to imitate espionage imagination.
Spy Game is just like one of those bestsellers we enjoy reading. Now, as we look at it and think about American
security, the role of the CIA and the murky world of terrorism and counter-terrorism, a film like this makes us ask what does really happen behind the scenes. Who are the people who make the decisions and where do they get their information? What motivates them? Are they idealists? Cynics who love power? Can feelings play any role in the life of a spy, especially love? Any kind of altruism?
In Spy Game we survey 15 years of CIA activity in Vietnam, Berlin, Beirut and, finally, China, from 1976 to 1991.
International intrigue is a murky world of plotting, assassinations and coverups. What makes this film move potentially subversive of unquestioning loyalty to the USA is the casting. Two stars who are attractive and sympathetic behave in ruthless ways. Robert Redford and Brad Pitt test our own standards and sympathies. Interesting and entertaining and, for its time, surprisingly relevant.
1. The popularity of espionage films? The CIA? The starts in the espionage context? The CIA and the American history between Vietnam and China with the focus on East Germany and Beirut in between?
2. The atmosphere of the film: the Washington settings, the CIA offices, the contrast between the yellow tints for the Vietnam story, the cold grey tints for East Germany, the footage and newsreel material for Beirut, the sequences in China? Editing, pace, action? The musical score?
3. The title, espionage, the role of the CIA? The screenplay's comments about the seriousness, espionage being an adult game? The effect on the players, as individuals, part of the team? The espionage agencies around the world, collaboration, competition? The role of the CIA in world affairs - serious, influential, competence, incompetence?
4. The structure of the film: the episode in China, Tom Bishop trying to rescue Elizabeth Hadley? The failure? The repercussions for the president's visit to China in 1991? Trade agreements? The interrogation of Nathan Muir? His activities, behind the scenes, phone calls etc? The flashbacks and the explanation of Tom Bishop's action in Korea, Vietnam and the assassination, East Germany and getting the refugee across, the unmasking of the spy? Beirut, the preparation for the assassination, the attack by the Resistance? Elizabeth Hadley in the Chinese prison? His attempting to release her? The final action and operation for his and her release? And the repercussions for Muir, for the CIA operatives? The role of bankers, other agencies, the media and the exposure of stories - and their later being denied as hoaxes?
5. The credibility of the plot, the world examples given, the actual actions? Robert Redford and Brad Pitt in starring roles, giving the plot and the action more credibility - or not?
6. Nathan Muir and his career? As portrayed by an older and wrinkled Robert Redford? The whole aim of his life, telling the good guys from the bad, involved in CIA espionage, assassination attempts? His last day of work, his relationship with Gladys and relying on her and her discretion? Being contacted by Harry, the information about Tom Bishop, being summoned, his easy way in the office with the personnel, the interrogation, his bluffing, his assuming an air of innocence? His exasperation with Carter? His responding to Troy? The interrogation, the information about Bishop, the partial files, his phone calls and contacting Hong Kong, later contacting the media, contacting his bank and transferring the money, forging the CIA director's signature and authenticating the document, giving the word for the rescue operation? His manner, talk, the experience of recruiting, his friendship with Tom Bishop, training him, the assassination attempt in Vietnam, the transition to Germany, making Tom exasperated, the faked chance meeting at the station, recruiting him, testing him as regards observation and memory, making him obey rules, bringing the refugee from East Germany, the phone call, the order to abandon the passenger, the debriefing, on the roofs of Berlin, Tom and his exasperation with the decisions about life and death, Nathan and his severity? The later move to Beirut, his controlling Tom, the assassination attempt which had to appear like an ordinary natural death? The encounter with Elizabeth Hadley, his critical attitude, having information about her, the bombing of the Chinese building in London? The attack by the rebels and the destruction? Tom and the parting of the ways? Nathan and his giving up Elizabeth to the Chinese authorities and her imprisonment? Hearing the news about Tom, realising his friendship, indebtedness, prepared to give his own money to rescue him? The control of the mission, his leading the interrogating group on, his leaving the building, his smile and his success in rescuing Tom?
7. Brad Pitt as Tom Bishop, the eager young man, serving in Vietnam, willing to do assassinations, staying till the last moment despite the helicopter, being rescued by Nathan? His boredom in Germany, eager to be recruited, trained, the scene with the instruction and the Russian radio, driving the passenger back from East Germany, the phone call, being ordered to abandon him, not being given reasons? The debriefing, the nature of the unmasking of the spy, the East German and his speaking to the Russians? Beirut, as a photographer, checking out Elizabeth, the liaison with her, falling in love with her, seeing her work, Nathan and the meeting, his hostility? Using Elizabeth to get to the doctor, the plan for the assassination, the leader coming from Cyprus, the doctor and the photos, his willingness to do the assassination? The attack and the explosions? His parting of the ways with Nathan because of Elizabeth? His going in to rescue her, taking the medication, his hand on the electricity, his being revived? His almost effecting the rescue? The torture, his finally being rescued, seeing Elizabeth in the helicopter, the code name and knowing that Nathan had rescued him? His future?
8. The CIA and the authorities, by the book, secrecy, suspicions, their technology? Everything being recorded? Harker and his dislike of Nathan, following him around, suspicious, getting the evidence of the phone calls, the money transactions? Revealing them - and being made a fool of, especially with the map of the Bahamas and Nathan making sure that the Chinese information was with that of the Bahamas? The final exasperation? Troy, the friendship, the interrogation, going to brief the White House? The other members? The other workers in the building - and Nathan using them, relying on friendship, his shrewdness, noticing names, noticing documents, working out how to get them? The director of the CIA and his signature being forged, the operation in China, the commander ringing through?
9. Elizabeth, her background in London, working for the suffering in Beirut, the contact with the doctor? The meeting with Tom, the sexual liaison, getting him access to the doctor? Her working with the wounded, her wanting to know his real name, his telling her? The break-up with Tom - but his loving her? Her being transferred to the prison, a victim of the CIA and Nathan? The rescue, the failure, her looking at Tom from the helicopter?
10. Gladys, the faithful secretary, wit, helping, the phone calls, getting the documents?
11. The contacts in London, in Hong Kong and the media, Harry and their using Bishop, Harry and the deal to pay for the blackout?
12. The Chinese, the espionage, the plant in the prison, his helping get Tom in, medicated, revived? The money deal for the final blackout?
13. The consequences of espionage - the assassination attempts in Vietnam and their justification? The unmasking of the double agent in East Germany and her death? The consequences of violence in Beirut?
14. A satisfying adult film, raising serious themes, the espionage and terrorist context of the first part of the decade and the 21st century?