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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:38

Scarlet Letter, The/ 1973


West Germany, 1973, 90 minutes, Colour.
Senta Berger, Hans- Christian Blech, Lou Castel.
Directed by Wim Wenders.

The Scarlet Letter, from the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, was filmed silently by Victor Seastrom with Lilian Gish in the central role of Hester Prynne. This is a German adaptation by Wim Wenders and filmed in Spain. Wenders has adapted Hawthorne's novel, making the Reverend Dimmesdale more of a villain than in the novel and making Roger Prynne less of a villain. Critic Tom Milne, in the Monthly Film Bulletin (April, 1979) says that the film is modelled on Nicholas Ray's Johnny Guitar. He draws interesting parallels in Wenders' establishing of the town by the sea and the characters. It is a German interpretation of Hawthorne via the structures of a popular, yet offbeat, American western.

Senta Berger is effective in the central role and Hans Christian Blech is chillingly persuasive as Roger Prynne. Lou Castel is the tormented pastor. The film has a very brief running time, is picturesque in its setting - although houses, the coast and the aspects of the town are treated symbolic ally as well as realistically. Milne notes that Wenders' original title for his script was: "The Lord Laments over His People in the American Wilderness".

Roland Joffe's 90s' version with Demi Moore and Gary Oldman was not well received.

1. The importance of Hawthorne's novel? A 19th. century view of Puritan America? The establishing of New England? The religiosity and Calvinistic work principles and ethic of New England? The stories about Salem (cf The Crucible)? Religion, superstition, persecution, witchcraft?

2. The career of Wim Wenders? His being popular amongst festival-goers and critics? His emphasis on odyssey and road films? How does this influence his interpretation of Hawthorne? His work in the early '70s? Late '70s and '80s? (Comparison with his American-made film Hammett)? His use of Hollywood models for his film? The model of the western for a study of an eastern United States community?

3. The importance of the colour photography, the sea and landscapes, the use of the sea? The background of the Indian? The 17th. century town? Its atmosphere, inhabitants, moral tone, work ethic? The place of religion with the pastor and the strict interpretation of the moral law? A retribution and punishment atmosphere? The musical score and its mood?

4. The episodic aspects of the film in an adaptation of a full-length novel? The styles and pace, the editing? The critique of the characters, situation, morality?

5. The western model with the stranger coming into the town? His background, his time with the Indians, a craggy, isolated figure? His coming to Salem and observing it? The island, Hester, the parson, the administration of Salem? The doctor? The revelation that he was Roger Prynne? His wanting to know the truth about Hester? The background of his marriage and the long delay in his arrival? His being known as Chillingworth? His interrogation of the Governor, the administrators, the pastor? The importance of the theological discussions justifying the treatment of Hester, of Mistress Hibbins? His determination to learn the truth? His leniency towards Hester? His harshness towards the pastor? Demands of forgiveness? The build-up to the finale? His final judgment on Hester, on Dimmesdale? His attitude towards Pearl?

6. The introduction to Hester, her isolation, place on the island, the notoriety of her case? Pearl with her mother? The pressures from the town, the silent treatment? Her encounter with Roger and keeping his identity quiet? Her gradually being permitted to come into the town? The Governor and his giving her more work to do? Pearl taking her place in the town, the lessons - and the questions about catechism, witches? Her relationship with Mr. Dimmesdale? The truth about the relationship? Her support of him and his hysteria and neurosis? The discussions about, her participation in them? The attitude of the administration? Bellingham and his leniency, Fuller and his bigotry? The influence of Mistress Hibbins? The public encounters in the marketplace? The build-up to Hester's leaving with Pearl, Dimme-sdale going with them? The finale?

7. Dimmesdale and the initial impression, the public confessions, his fainting, illness, Roger's investigations and understanding of the truth? The temptation to go with Hester and Pearl? His love for Pearl? The revelation and declaration of his sin and the letter 'A' on his chest matching the brand of Hester? The scarlet letter on each? Fuller's killing him - in realistic terms, in symbolic terms?

8. The Governor and his council, the elders, the theological discussions? Bellingham and his leniency? Fuller and his strictness? How well did the screenplay explain the moral attitudes of New England?

9. The people of the town, religious, Prynne? The attitude towards witches? Mistress Hibbins and her isolation?

10. The adaptation of an American novel by a German film-maker? His outside view of the ethos of the 17th. century? His critique of the specifically moral and religious stances and hypocrisy? Where did his own sympathies lie? His understanding?