US, 1991, 104 minutes, Colour.
Ellen Barkin, Jimmy Smits, Perry King, Jo Beth Williams, Lorraine Bracco, Tony Roberts.
Directed by Blake Edwards.
Switch was written and directed by Blake Edwards. In the early '80s, he played with the themes of reversal of sexual identity in Victor/Victoria. Here, influenced by the many vice-versa films of the late '80s as well as the interest in ghost stories at the beginning of the '90s, he puts a role reversal situation which makes a chauvinistic man appreciate a woman's point of view and her feelings. Perry King portrays a man about town who is murdered by three lovers. God (with a male voice and a female voice) sends him back to earth despite pleas from the Devil (a man only). He has to find at least one woman who loves him.
Blake Edwards enjoys farce and slapstick comedy so his humour is very broad. There are quite a number of broad sexual jokes. However, he doesn't follow through with many of them. For example, the exploration of the lesbian theme.
Ellen Barkin is Amanda, the woman who has really the personality of Perry King. She does quite well (though some of the jokes are overdone, especially walking in high heels) as the man trying to be a woman. The supporting cast includes Jimmy Smits as his partner, JoBeth? Williams as the main assassin, Lorraine Bracco as the lesbian businesswoman. Tony Roberts is the callow head of the company.
There is a glossy style, Henry Mancini score as with so many of Edwards's films. The film should be seen in the context of Edwards' other sex comedies, especially 10, Mickey and Maude.
1. The vice-versa theme, as applied to a philandering and chauvinistic male? Blake Edwards' writing, sense of humour, comic style? The broad touches?
2. New York settings, affluence hotels, advertising business, society? Panavision, colour and gloss? The score and the songs?
3. The title, the vice-versa roles, switching on and off?
4. The portrait of Steve, the philandering type, the carefree bachelor, his friendship with Walter, his work? His women friends, the phone call, the sex party, his being killed, the drowning attempt, the shooting? Being thrown in the river? His body later being discovered and identified by Amanda? His death - the afterlife, the small figure on the screen, light, the voices of God (both male and female)? God giving him a chance - on what basis? The Devil and his plotting?
5. Steve as Amanda, waking up, the effect, looking at herself as a woman, the doorman and his puzzle, having to cope, quick thinking, ringing Walter? The sex jokes, the clothes, Amanda's awkwardness, walking? Going to Margot, attacking her, using her to buy clothes - and the expense account? Getting her to help her be feminine?
6. Going to see Walter, her walking through the bar and men ogling her? Persuading Walter of the truth - but his not believing? His amazement? The awkwardness of her feminine manner? Encounter with Arnold, knowing the truth about people - at the hotel, in the firm? The plan, the account, the meetings? The deals?
7. Going to see Sheila, the encounter with her, the account, the lesbian advances, the date for dinner, going to the gay bar and the dancing, her fears and self-consciousness, fainting? Sheila and the sense of betrayal? Getting the account? The chauvinist on the executive board (from California)? And her exposing him by using Sheila's words about the date?
8. Arnold, friendship with Steve, attachment to Amanda, the account, the meetings, the double standards? His being confronted by Amanda? Sacking Walter because of the marriage?
9. Walter, the type, friendship with Steve, a basic decency, his work? Drinks at the bar, friendship with Amanda? The sexual encounter, her pregnancy? His going to the hospital, participating in the birth? Taking the daughter to the cemetery?
10. Margo and the lovers, their attitude towards Steve, their plans? The murder? Their fear of Amanda, being exposed? Their friendship, wealth, credit accounts, drugs? Margo and her planting the gun so that Amanda would be arrested? Their testimony in court - and it seeming farfetched?
11. Amanda, Steve and the change? Becoming more feminine? With Walter - though the apprehensions with the background of homosexuality? The lesbian encounter? With the women? Phone calls to try to get some woman who liked Steve - and failing? The pregnancy, deciding not to have an abortion? The court case, her being put in jail? The experience of birth - and the daughter who loved her? Going to heaven?
12. The humorous presentation of God - as both male and female? The Devil, his appearance in Amanda's dreams?
13. Themes of gender, sex, sexual identity, sexual stereotypes and behaviour? Presuppositions about relationships? Male chauvinism? The language of sex, behaviour? Blake Edwards' broad humour as regards sexuality?
14. The overall effect - serious themes presented in a broad comic way?