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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:37



India, 1986, 98 minutes, Colour.
Directed by Ketan Mehta.

Spices is an award-winning film from India. Set in an Indian village, earlier in the century, it focuses on the army and the tax-collector who come to exploit the village. One of the village women attracts the leader, insults him, and he demands her presence. She is barricaded in the spice works with a number of the women. This provides a crisis of conscience for the men of the village, the women. There is a confrontation, strong comments about the place of women in brutal Indian society, the protection of the women, their standing up for themselves and defying the men.

The film is vividly presented, filmed in authentic locations. It is a strong statement about the place of women in Indian society - and a strong melodramatic vindication.

1. A quality Indian film? Universal appeal? Indian society, roles of men and women? Violence?

2. The use of authentic locations, the village and its atmosphere and environment? Musical score?

3. Indian style of film-making: stylised and realistic? Strong emotions presented? Melodramatic poses and stances? The finale?

4. The situation of the tax collection, the village life, work in the village, social structures, the intrusion of the army?

5. Sonbai and the women at the water, making the commander kneel for the drink, with the other women, her work? Her husband and his delight in getting the letter and the job, his leaving the village? The attentions of the leader, her hitting him? In the factory, the factory under siege? Her stance, refusal to go to the leader? The men turning against her? The women and their persuasion, criticisms? The old man on guard and his standing by her? Getting the sickle, preparing to defy the leader? The women and the spices used against him? The significance of her role, a symbolic woman?

6. The leader and his arrogance, the traditions of the tax collectors, as male dominating, with his men, the army? Attraction to Sonbai, kneeling for the water? His advances, the women coming to him in the night? The slap, his decision? Sending the merchant to get her? The mukhi and the men, his demands? The threats, the siege of the factory? His being thrown off his horse, the advance to the woman, the women throwing spices in his face? As a symbolic man?

7. The women, their role in society, the girl and her having an education, her father dragging her out of the school? The battered mother? The men going to a tax collector? Their decisions, indecision? The brutality towards the teacher? The response of the wives? Defying the men? Their attitudes towards Sonbai, the attack on the leader with the spices?

8. The men and their arrogance, public life, Mukhi and the brutality towards his wife? The daughter and the education? The merchants and their roles, the religious leaders? Their meeting and their weakness? The contrast with the teacher?

9. The teacher, the lessons, persuading the little girl to be brought to the classes? Disciple of Gandhi? His going to the meeting, standing out against the men? The torture, tied to the pole and attacking the men's group? His strength?

10. The old man, his place in the factory, on guard, protecting Sonbai, the ritual preparation for his defiance, loading the gun, his shoes? His death?

11. The soldiers, on guard, exploiting the people, taking their animals? The ramming of the factory?

12. The place of women in society, men, the changing times?

13. The victim, the village selling her out, the guard protecting her - themes of oppression, violence? Standing up to brutality?

14. The sudden melodramatic ending? Its impact? Theme of the film?