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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:37

Star Reporter


US, 1939, 61 minutes, Black and white.
Warren Hull, Marsha Hunt, Wallis Clark.
Directed by Howard Bretherton.

A very brief newspaper and police thriller – with more than enough plot and sub-plot for more than one film.

The focus is on a star reporter, Warren Hull, engaged to Marsh Hunt, whose father runs the paper. Also in focus is the DA who has been supported by the paper. Crime powers in the city are involved in a cover-up of a murder and an attempt, through a crooked lawyer, to hunt down the killer. But, there are more complications than we could have imagined, involving the killer, his mother, the DA not pursuing the criminal to save the reporter’s mother…
Very much of its time, but an entertaining hour.

1. A brief crime and media drama of the late 1930s? Of interest later? Illustrating the times?
2. The brief running time, so much plot within an hour? Credibility of the plot? Credibility of the screenplay, characters, interactions?
3. The title, the introduction to John, his reputation, his newspaper and running it, supporting the district attorney and his election? Engagement to Barbara? The background of the murder of his father? Alleged accident? His meeting with the press, the comments, the touch of envy? The gathering together at the end of the same office, the change of situation?
4. John, his work, relationship with the DA, his love for Barbara? His relationship with his mother? Their visit to Barbara’s home? And the murder situation? The written confession? John’s puzzle at the behaviour of the DA, writing articles and against him, Gordon and his connections with Whitaker? His mother concealing the truth from him? Interviews with Whitaker? Interviews with Clipper, the money for the confession, tearing it in half? Barbara in jail, his learning the truth, his going to save her, with Clipper, the confrontation with Draper, the reality of his being his father? The effect on Draper, the warmth, and pride, repairing some damage? Writing the document? His praise of Barbara? His being shot by the police?
5. Barbara, strong minded, love for John, for her father, discussions with Julia, knowing the truth, going to the office, to get the document, encountering Draper, Draper shooting Gordon? Her being taken by the security guard? In jail? Having to stay in the cause of public opinion? The happy ending and the wedding?
6. The DA, his integrity, the Draper case, his handling of it, learning the truth, confrontations with Whitaker, the stealing of the document? Shielding Julia and John? His daughter in jail? The truth, his being vindicated?
7. Draper, the murder, arrest, confession, the irony that he was married to Julia and left her, not knowing about his son? In prison, the gangsters wanting him silenced, collecting the money to pay Whitaker? The deals, manslaughter, bail? In hiding, with Clipper, the betrayal? With John, the emotion of the truth about his father? The confession, his being shot?
8. Whitaker, expensive, the lawyer for the gangsters, his deals, with the DA, with John, with Clipper, to steal the document? Going to the house, his arrest? The exposure of the gangsters?
9. Clipper, cheap crook, money from Whitaker to steal the document, hiding it, money from John, tearing it in half? Shielding Draper? Betraying him to John, to Whitaker? His being shot?
10. A brief film but keeping the interest in its plot and subplots?