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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:37

Ten Wanted Men


US, 1955, 76 minutes, Colour.
Randolph Scott, Richard Boone, Jocelyn Brando, Skip Homeier.
Directed by H. Bruce Humberstone.

Ten Wanted Men is a strange title for this film, audiences trying to identify who actually were the ten men, the accomplices of Campbell.

It is quite a routine Randolph Scott film, one of many he made in the 1950s. There is interest in seeing Jocelyn Brando in a rare film appearance. A young Dennis Weaver is the sheriff. A young Lee van Cleef is one of the gunfighters. Skip Homeier is the brash young man from the city. However, it is Richard Boone as the villain who makes an impact.

The film has the usual ingredients: the cattle ranchers, the ambitious men who want to extend their land, a sheriff, the young man from the city, the lawyer who is killed, and the staunch leading man, Randolph Scott, who is able to put everything in order.

The film was directed by H. Bruce Humberstone, a director of comedies and musicals at 20th century Fox in the 1940s and moving to lighter action films in the 1950s.

1. An entertaining Randolph Scott Western? from the 1950s? Scott’s career in westerns by this time? Exclusively in westerns?

2. The west and settings, the ranches, the town, a sheriff, the saloons, the law? Musical score?

3. The title, meaning, were Campbell’s associates the ten wanted men?

4. The opening, the taking of the stagecoach, the men and their fear, the revelation of the joke? The celebration? the introduction to John Stewart?

5. The party, Wick Campbell and Maria, talking and dancing with Howie, Campbell’s jealousy, causing a scene? Stewart and his stance? The presence of Corrine, widow, organising the party? The prospects for Howie working on the ranch? His father and practising law?

6. Campbell, his character, his being helped by Stewart, his resenting it? His wanting to expand his ranch? The set up with the owner, repaying the loan, shooting him, claiming self-defense, the lawyer and his handling the case? Setting up Howie, the loan of the gun, his killing the man, trying to escape, arrested?

7. Howie in jail, playing cards, getting out? Going back to Maria, her help? Campbell’s wanting vengeance?

8. The stealing of the cattle, re-branding them?

9. Stewart, his friends, the people in the town, taking a stance against Campbell, but fearing him? Stewart and his trying to help Howie?

10. The group in Corinne’s Office? Campbell and his men? The shooting? The attempts to escape and deaths? Campbell and Marva, pleading with the group, Corrine coming out to intervene?

11. The need for water, Howie going out, getting it?

12. Stewart, coming out to confront Campbell, in the hotel, his gunfighters, in the room, killing the gunfighter? Campbell and his anger?

13. Campbell going to Maria, declaring his love, a mad love? Her resistance?

14. The confrontation between Stewart and Campbell, Campbell’s death? The role of the sheriff?

15. The sheriff and his bride, the wedding, the friar, Howie and his wife, Stewart marrying Corrine?