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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:36



US, 2000, 88 minutes, Colour.
William H. Macy, John Ritter, Neve Campbell, Donald Sutherland, Tracey Ullman, Barbara Bain, David Dorfman.
Directed by Henry Bromell.

Panic is an interesting drama, psychological and emotional. The focus is on William H. Macy in an excellent performance as Alex, dependent on his father (Donald Sutherland), married to Martha (Tracey Ullman) with a six-year-old son (David Dorfman).

He decides to go to a psychiatrist, played by John Ritter. He then reveals that his professional job is as a killer, carrying out contracts given to him by his father. There are flashbacks indicating how his father controlled him, taught him how to shoot, to kill. But, at this stage of his life, he wants out – especially when his next target is the psychologist whom his father wants eliminated because he knows the truth.

Neve Campbell plays a young woman whom he meets in the waiting room at the psychologist’s. She is a confused young woman, he becomes infatuated with her, there are various interactions – which lead to him reassessing his life, his marriage, his fond relationship with his son.

The film is interesting because of the unusual plot set-up as well as the very strong performances.

1. The title, Alex, the stage of his life, his moral perspective? His amoral upbringing?

2. The film as a piece of Americana, the gun culture, crime, hit-men? The family enterprise? The city settings, homes, offices? The musical score?

3. The narrative, Alex’s story – and the introduction of the flashbacks, the infatuation with Sarah, remembering his father teaching him to kill the squirrel, his meeting with Martha, his family life?

4. The introduction to Alex, William H. Macy’s screen presence, meeting with Doctor Parks, explaining the infatuation? The setting up of the meeting, in the waiting room, their communication? Parks and his listening to Alex, his motivations? Alex and his anxieties, not wanting to talk, gradually admitting the truth? The reaction? The effect of the visits on him?

5. Sarah, the background of her life, her age, psychological problems, talking to Alex, chatting, her shrewdness, her relationships, especially with Tracy, sexual, discussions with the psychologist? Going to the club, leading the man on, taking him home, sending him away? With Alex, his visits, telling him not to apologise? Her questions, his questions? The stalking, the deal with the relationship between them, the effect on each, her being hurt?

6. Alex at home, his relationship with Martha, his love for Sam, lying on the bed, their chatting, the bond? Martha and the sexual tension? Her being puzzled as to what was happening? The flashbacks to the meeting in the lift, going out together, marrying, buying the bike for Sam, the gifts?

7. The visits to Alex’s parents, his father’s character, easygoing, dominating? His mother and her knowledge of the truth? Her affectation? The discipline for Sam, picking up the trash, grandfather ridiculing him for lack of brains? The family business, his mother’s reaction, going to the psychiatrist, the meals with his father in the restaurant, the flashbacks and Alex and the squirrel? The memories of his first hit on the beach? Believing his father, believing in his father?

8. Parks as the target, the photos, Alex stalking him, saving him from the muggers, buying the gun, the pressure from his father?

9. The father-son relationships? Alex and his father? Pleasing him? Sam and Alex? The grandfather’s mocking, teaching Sam to kill a squirrel? Alex and his anger, the confrontation of his father, the reactions to Parks challenging him, shooting his father?

10. Parks, going to the police, the police following Alex, the shooting?

11. Sam going to Doctor Parks? The effect of Alex’s death? Martha and Sarah in the waiting room? Martha not realising it was Sarah? Sarah talking about her being hurt at Alex’s death?

12. The final images, the happy memories of father and son, Alex and Sam?

13. Psychological issues, emotional issues, moral issues?