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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:36

Dark Matter


US, 2007, 88 minutes, Colour.
Ye Liu, Aidan Quinn, Meryl Streep, Peng Chi, Blair Brown, Boris Mc Giver, Bill Irwin, Taylor Schilling, Joe Grifasi.
Directed by Shi- Zheng Chen.

Dark Matter is based on actual events. It is a comment on the ethos of success in the United States. It is also a study of the ambitions and driven nature of Chinese students going to the United States.

The film focuses on a student, Liu Xing (Ye Liu). Full of enthusiasm, he leaves his family behind in China, gains a scholarship, goes to Salt Lake City where he is an assistant to one of the scientists who is his idol, Jacob Reiser (Aidan Quinn). All seems well. However, Reiser is ambitious, competitive, clashes with his old professor, encourages Liu Xing but, after he excels in his work, explores various theories which contradict his own, he turns against him, voting against his thesis topic and not approving it. Aidan Quinn is credible in this role. Blair Brown is his loyal assistant.

There is a subplot with Salt Lake City socialites who want to support the Chinese students. Meryl Streep portrays Joanna Silver, who had been with her businessman husband, Bill Irwin, in China. She has tried to learn the language. She provides services for the students, taking them on outings. She befriends Liu Xing.

The film is interesting in its portrait of Salt Lake City society, of life at the university, of the world of academics and the competitiveness.

Because Liu Xing is driven, his disappointments unhinge him, he becomes part of the American gun culture and goes on a spree killing the professors and rivals.

Because of similar episodes in the United States, the film was not immediately released in 2007 and had limited release afterwards.

The film is interesting in its dialogue and explorations of science and religious implications.

1. A film about science, religion, philosophy, cosmology? Within a dramatic story?

2. The academic world, research, insights, discussions? Competitiveness and rivalries?

3. A personal story of ambitions, jealousy, arrogance, the consequences?

4. The portrait of China, the family, their poverty, the recurring scenes of mother and father working, the workers and the workplaces? The letters to and from the parents? Parcels? The son and his continued hopes – and his optimistic letters to his parents?

5. The American world, comfortable, open, the homes, Salt Lake City, the universities, the beautiful mountainous countryside? The students, the cafes, the traditions? The musical score, the songs, the range of music, classics such as The New World Symphony, The Streets of Laredo, Beautiful Dreamer, Long Long Ago? Bach and the classics? The scene of the Chinese opera? Christian hymns? The blend of multicultural music?

6. The Chinese mentality, traditional, communal, their helping of parents? The role of science, explorations? Ambitions, scholarships, going to the United States, discovering the American style, not always understanding it, adopting aspects of its affluence, its permissiveness? The students and their speeches about affluence and their hopes?

7. The American mentality, comfort, friendliness, intercultural support, the consumerist aspects? The church, academia?

8. The portrait of Liu, the fast-forward to the ending and his being alone, going back to what happened to him in America, the apartment, the context for his enthusiasm, academia, the letters to his parents, inflating what he had done, his enthusiasm? Science, theoretical? Cosmology? His marks, success, arrival? Being welcomed? The discussions with Reiser, his wanting to be called Jake? Liu’s diligence, research, coming early, spending the night with his studies? His confidence, talking? Laurence and the other students, their lifestyle, drinking, smoking, television, sex videos? Laurence and his marrying? Changing his name? Liu and his meeting with Joanna, friendliness, going to the Wild West town? Meeting the girl and discussions about cups of tea, his returning to see her? The breakthrough with his theories? Going to Jake, not being accepted? No approval for his thesis? His thesis work? The interview with the professors, the new standards being set, their argument not to let him through?

9. The portrait of Jake, his life, his work, his talk about his clash with his own professor, meeting him at socials, introducing Liu? His helping Liu, taking him to the conference, his harshness, the motivations, the touch of jealousy, his decisions? The other professor and his supporting of Liu, but not prevailing?

10. Hildy, the assistant, her friendship with Liu, support? The other professors?

11. The students, their life, attitudes, their plans for their future, Laurence, the wedding, the baptism, his becoming American? The party celebration and Liu’s isolation at it?

12. Joanna, her husband, having been in China, patrons of the arts, her going to functions, meeting society, her husband unwilling to go? The vehicles for the students, those helping her, going to the western town, the students and their re-enacting western scenarios, going to church? Her talk, support, sharing? Liu and his explanations to Joanna about dark matter, her attentiveness? The outing in the car, singing? Liu’s return with the makeup kit, his approach to her, her gentle resistance? The finale, her exercise, rushing to Liu’s apartment, seeing his packed case? The phone call to his parents?

13. The girl in the shop, ordinary, the tea, his visits, her being nice, the gift, her birthday, not being able to follow up, the break?

14. Liu, his desperation after his being rejected, his travelling with the makeup kits, the visit to Joanna, his desperation?

15. His final letter to his mother, posting it, inflating his story, his being hurt, ruined?

16. The expectations of his parents, the recurring scenes of them throughout the film?

17. The philosophical themes, space, the cosmos, creation, dark matter?

18. American violence, the initial images of the West, Liu and his gun, going amongst the students, killing Laurence, killing the professors? A nihilistic ending?