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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:35

Safe Haven


US, 2013,
Josh Duhamel, Julianne Hough, David Lyons, Noah Lomax.
Directed by Lasse Halstrom.

Just mention the name of novelist, Nicholas Sparks, and critics will move into dismissal mode, sentimentality US style. On the other hand, readers of his novels smile and their eyes light up, another nice blend of romance and drama. And, on the box-office evidence, Sparks has every right to be pleased at how popular his books and their film versions are. This is the eighth film since 1999 and Message in a Bottle. Amongst others, we have had The Notebook (probably the most popular and the best), Nights in Rodanthe, Dear John (which was also directed by the present director, Lasse Halstrom).

Safe Haven has all the needed ingredients. There is a young woman in peril from an abusive husband. There is a nice man, a widower, with two likeable children. There is a safe haven and love for both (and the children). So, plenty of romance, followed by plenty of melodrama. And, at the end, there is a twist that, maybe, even romantics were not expecting. But, it does meant that the last few minutes are more moving than we might have expected and we watch the final credits through tears.
Julianne Hough is attractive as the young woman who flees from Boston to the quiet town on the Carolina coast where she wants to begin a new life. Josh Duhamel is tall and handsome as the widower. His daughter is a young girl with plenty of verve. People are nice in the town, and it builds up to a 4th of July celebration and parade, and fireworks.

Australian David Lyons has a high old sinister time as he pursues his wife, becoming more demented as the film goes on.

It all looks nice, and is designed for that ultimately feel-good experience that Nicholas Sparks offers to his fans.

1. The novels of Nicholas Sparks? Love, the romance, melodrama, tears?

2. The credibility of the plot, reality and fantasy, the characters, situations?

3. The title, the plot, the place haven, Alex as a safe haven, Katie’s of need?

4. The introduction: the ordinary house, the sudden rush away, Katie fleeing, going to her neighbour, the help, the train and the bus stations, Kevin pursuing, his search of the buses, the help of the police?

5. Katie, her arrival, Carolina and the coast, the quiet, a pleasant place, buying coffee from Alex, meeting Lexi? The decision to stay, finding the house in the woods, the floor board, fixing it, Lexi and the buying of the paint, Alex helping her, Roger and his wry comment? Josh, on the boat, falling into the water, Katie hurrying to help?

6. Katie getting the job, the boss and her kindness, the staff, the work, Katie’s being a good waitress? The discussions with the kids, meeting with Alex,
the attraction? Going out, caught in the rain? The return, the sexual encounter?

7. Alex and his story, his wife dying of cancer, his love for his children, raising them? His friendship with Roger and Roger helping in the store? His ordinary life?

8. Kevin, mad, obsessed, as a policeman, his search for Katie, the CCTV and his examining it, confronting the neighbour, checking her writing, going into the house, the messages on her answering machine? His sending out the poster for Katie as under suspicion for murder? Alex seeing it, horrified, confronting her, her deciding to leave, his going to the house, to the wharf? Persuading to come back? Asking forgiveness?

9. Kevin and his drinking, driving all day? The flashbacks, husband and wife, the clashes, his erratic moods, the knife, the violence, Katie leaving?

10. The 4th of July, the parade, Kevin’s arrival, his talking with Alexei, buying the water? Searching all day, the dance, fighting Katie, the struggle?

11. Alex and his police friends, going out on the water, the fireworks, his seeing Lexi in the burning building?

12. Katie, with Lexi, her drinking, her friend appearing in the dream to warn her about Kevin? The struggle, his pouring petrol on the house, the fireworks setting a delight?

13. The fire, Alex and the desperate rescue for Lexi, finding the letters?

14. The identity of Katie’s friend, living in an isolated place, walking home with her, the friendship, the fact that she was Alex’s wife’s ghost?

15. The letters, the mother having letters is for Josh and Lexi for important moments in their lives? Alex giving the letter for ‘Her’? The wife speaking it, the manifestations of the ghost, Katie and her happiness?

16. Alex and his love, Josh and his missing his mother and reconciling with his father, Lexi and her dependence on Katie, a tearful happy ending?