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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:28

They Rode West


US, 1954, 84 minutes, Colour.
Robert Francis, Donna Reed, May Wynn, Phil Carey, Onslow Stevens.
Directed by Phil Karlson.

An interesting and entertaining western. It has standard cavalry material (co-author is Frank Nugent, collaborator with John Ford in many of his westerns) but the treatment of the Indians in the film echoes the sympathy towards the Indian from such films as Broken Arrow, White Feather. It was a trend of the fifties. Robert Francis, who appeared in The Caine Mutiny and The Long Grey Line and then was killed in an accident, is the serious star. Donna Reed is an attractive heroine. Direction is by Phil Karson who directed many action films over several decades.

1. The appeal of the western? Action, the cavalry, Indians and clashes? Pioneering? The landscapes of the west, distances, survival?

2. The medical focus of the film? The theories of equality of human beings, medical help and ethics? The moralising about relationships with the Indians? Impact in the early fifties, now?

3. The standard presentation of the west - locations, action shots? The cavalry code, for example, the singing round the camp fire, life in the fort, cavalry solidarity? The reaction towards Dr Seward and calling him Wood Hawk? The presentation of the Indians and their raids, life in the camp, the Comanche raids? Battles, rescues? The clashes of personalities?

4. The opening and the presentation of the cavalry, the Indian raid, the injury and the alcoholic doctor? Setting a tone for the film especially Blake's hostility? The audience in favour of Allan Seward as he arrived? his uniform, difficulties with riding, the clash with Blake, the attraction towards Miss Mackay? his behaviour during the gun raid?

5. The sick boy, the reservation, the white mother? Allan's help, his recommendation to move? his visit to the camp again, the suspicions of Blake? The decision to follow the Indians . as they moved to the high ground, the subsequent Comanche raid, the injured cavalry? and their hostility towards Allan? how responsible was he? his decision at the end after consulting with the Indian woman? Blake's shooting him? The operation and the possibility of peace?

6. Allan and his character - serious, from the east, taking himself seriously, the uniform and riding? his naivety? his
devotion to his work, the raid and the treatment of the injured cavalry man? Transforming the hospital? Diagnosing the malaria, his experiencing the opposition? his behaviour during the siege, his decision to go back? Negotiations, achievement?
his decision to go against orders for medical and human ethics?

7. The contrast with Blake and his going by the book, his courting Miss Mackay, jealousy, severity, callous attitudes especially in shooting?

8. Miss Mackay - the centre of the fort, four men attracted towards her, her jealousy towards Allan, helping him in the hospital? The contrast with the white woman turned Indian?

9. The Indian wars, laws, the harshness of the west?

10. Incidental characters and their flavour - the Irishman with the sore tooth and whisky, the Colonel and strict orders, his wife, the various cavalrymen? An entertaining western with point?