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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:28

Maiden and the Beast, The / Panna A Netvor


Czechoslovakia, 1978, 83 minutes, Colour.
Zdena Studenkova, Vlastimil Harapes.
Directed by Juraj Herz.

The Maiden and the Beast is a Czech version of the well-known fairy tale. It had been filmed in classic style by Jean Cocteau in the 1940s, had various versions for American television including that with George C. Scott and was made world famous with the Disney animation film, Beauty and the Beast with its popular score.

This version is brief, begins with the conventions of the horror film, a very dark beginning. However, there is a transition to an interlude where the monster is shown in his ordinary human form, dancing with Julie, the beauty, in the fullness of light. However, the film keeps a balance between the darkness and the light. The monster is given a horrendous animal form – but, of course, transcends this when his humanity is appealed to. The heroine is full of charm, convincing in her taming of the beast.

As with all versions of the story, the film reflects on inner and outer ugliness, inner and outer beauty.

1. The popularity of the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale? The range of versions in word, images, drama, film? The perennial use of the Beauty and the Beast motif in the confrontations between beauty and evil? The particular characteristics of this Czech version? A version for adults?

2. The beauty of the colour photography? The romantic score and its use? The importance of atmosphere: city, the countryside, light and darkness, wealth and poverty, domestic atmosphere and the wild terrain? The setting of the atmosphere and the transition to the isolation of Julie and the beast? Decor, costumes, the re-creation of the mediaeval world? A strange contrast of starkness and beauty?

3. The social setting: the initial disasters, death, wanderers and tragedy? The intimations of the presence of the beast, terror, blood and gore? A sense of social upheaval? The need for order in chaos?

4. The establishing of the domestic world, especially the focus on the father and his daughters, the different daughters and their hopes, the father's plans?

5. The focus on the father, the harshness of his journey, the beast and his helping him, his seeing the beast and his terror? The beast demanding the father's pledge? The symbolism of the rose?

6. The ugliness, evil and horror of the beast? His causing terror and havoc? The curse and its repercussions? The father and the gentleness of the beast? The plucking of the rose and his giving of his daughter? The beast's hopes, the picture of the daughter? The suspense for the audience in not seeing the beast exactly as the father had?

7. How well did the film portray the beast, the suggestions of his presence, the results of his terror, the beast and his passion, the picture, the torment? The device of the voice and the inner voice? The anguish of his arguing with himself? The passion and need for blood? Killing? The atmosphere of Julie's arrival, her communicating with the beast, responding to his voice and not seeing him, the games, getting to know him? The tones of the meetings with their lyrical touches of romance? Talking and communing? Julie falling in love with the beast? The vision of her father and her sisters? The touch of the hands and their being cured? The build-up to the confrontation with the beast's ugliness? The dilemma of love?

8. The father and his plight? His return home? The selfishness of the sisters? Their being presented callously, their later greed for Julie's dress, etc.? Julie and her love for her father? Her decision to leave home for his sake? His delight in Julie's returning how? His wanting to keep her? Her anguish for the dying beast and his letting her go?

9. Julie and her seeing of the beast? The film's reflecting on inner and outer ugliness and beauty, repulsion? The contrast of the beastliness of her beautiful sisters? The final return? The symbolism of the horse?

10. The significance of her dream? the hands and their beauty, the romantic mod and music, the kiss and transformation? The fulfilment of the dream?

11. The film as a social fairy tale? Symbols of upheaval in society? The individuals of society as victims of evil? Curse? The need for self-sacrifice on behalf of society?

12. How well did the film use the elements of fairy tale, fairytale characters, the visual impact of the fairy tale? The audience able to accept this fairytale world as reality?

13. Themes of beauty and evil? The relationship of this fairy tale to traditional symbolism, psychological archetypes?

14. The male/female relationships? Complementarity? The woman in love with a shadow figure and transforming it? The shadow man longing for beauty and being cured by it? The healing and saving power of love? The complementarity of male and female fulfilling hopes and moving towards wholeness? The film as entertainment, parable, fairytale symbol?