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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:28



France, 1987, 100 minutes, Colour.
Philippe Noiret, Renato Renucci, Bernadette Lafont.
Directed by Claude Chabrol.

Masques continues the thriller career of Claude Chabrol, involved in the French New Wave of the late '50s with his psychological dramas, his writing about Hitchcock. During the '60s and '70s he completed a body of work, echoing Hitchcock but psychological drama in its own right. During the '80s, lie was more involved in television but made several thrillers including Masques in the mid-80s.

The setting is quite artificial and the plot does not bear thinking back on. However, the thriller is carried off with great style while on the screen. Philippe Noiret, veteran of so much French cinema, gives an excellent performance as the unctuous television host who really hates the old people in the programme that he comperes (a kind of elderly Perfect Match). However, his mask of charm covers a greed and a self-indulgence as he is ruthless in preserving the wealth that he has gained. His victim is the daughter of deceased friends whom he keeps in a state of sedation and fear. However, the brother of one of his victims arrives on the pretence of writing his biography and unmasks him, literally on the television set. There is an interesting gallery of characters. However, while the film is enjoyable, on reflection it is a slight crime thriller.

1. The work of Claude Chabrol, his perspective, interest in thrillers, psychology, human relationships, betrayal?

2. The French touch: the country estate, the French television station and programming? Editing and pace? Mood? Score?

3. The title: Media Masks, television, the compere, benign presence? His sleep and his wearing a mask? Catherine and her dark glasses? Roland and his penname? Literal and figurative masks? Unmasking?

4. Philippe Noiret and his screen presence: the opening, the television show, the elderly singers? His vanity. watching himself, delighted about his biography? Inviting Roland home? The car, Max? Collette attending on him, Max and Collette waiting at home? Patricia and Manu and their companionship, her masseur work? The joviality of the meals, Catherine and his care? The breakfast, the wines? The gourmet? His interviews with Roland? Coping, suspicions? Turning against him? The defiance by Catherine? His decision to murder her? The plan, the disposal of the body? His return to the city, the television and his unmasking? His final abusive words to the audience?

5. Roland Wolfe: in the audience, not applauding, planning the interviews, the trip, the house, his puzzle, the characters, meals? Catherine, the coat-hangers, her kissing him? The truth about his vanished sister? Snooping, Setting keys, covering up? Catherine's fainting? Giving her the information? Helping her, the sexual relationship? Tracking her down at the car yard, saving her, their exposing their host on television?

6. Max, driver, mute, cooking, his skills? His pretence and mask? The plan with Catherine, taking her to the car yard? Collette and her charm, her ruthlessness?

7. Catherine and her situation, age, ill, the dark glasses, cared for, impulsive with Roland, weak? Hearing the truth, her fainting? Growing stronger, defying Max and Collette, pretending, defying her patron, wanting to go into town, the car not going, gradually becoming victim, taken by Max and Collette, her being rescued from death?

8. Patricia and Manu, their place in the house, Patricia coming on strongly to Roland, their helping in the resolution?

9. Chabrol's attitude towards the old people on the television show, their performances, marriage, reminiscing, singing? The contrast with the compere?

10. The satire on television programmes, television making, and their style? Pink with hearts? Prizes of trips?

11. Understanding of human nature, greed, violence, love? Masks and unmasking?