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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:28

Martin Luther


US, 1953, 105 minutes, Black and white.
Niall Mac Ginnis, Alexander Gauge, Irving Pichel, Guy Verney.
Directed by Irving Pichel.

Martin Luther is a portrait of the 16th. century German reformer. The film is an American/ German co-production, sponsored by Lutheran groups. Historians and theologians were consultants ? including the celebrated ecumenist and theologian Jaroslav Pelikan. The film was shot on location in Germany.

British actor Niall Mac Ginness gives an interesting performance as Luther.

Production is by Hollywood actor-director Irving Pichel.

The film echoes the atmosphere of the '50s, a presentation of Luther for a world-wide audience. However, during the '60s and '70s with ecumenical discussions, the film seems to come from another period.

1. Interesting portrait of Martin Luther? Information? Explanation? Inspiration?

2. A US/ German co-production? The Lutheran historical and theological advice?

3. Black and white photography, re-creation of the period, use of German locations? A picture of the churches? The Reformation? The public and private life of Luther?

4. The screenplay and the overview of Luther's life, issues? The screenplay's use of quotations from Luther and from historical documents?

5. Niall Mac Ginnis persuasive as Luther: physical presence, religious style, psychology, theology? A reformer?

6. Audience knowledge of Martin Luther's life? The details chosen for the film: Luther as a student, his decision to enter the monastery Augsburg, his personal conflicts, his study, scripture, the visit to, Rome and its effect, his being on the Faculty at Wittenberg. the question of relics and Indulgences, the clash with Tetzel, the nailing of the theses on the door, the theological disputations with Eck, his being ousted from the monastery, the excommunication, the friendship of Philip Melancthon, the Diet of Worms, the patronage of Duke Frederick, Erasmus, his personal life and the relationship with Catherine von Bora? A sympathetic portrayal? Credible?

7. The film's portrayal of the origins of Lutheranism. the Lutheran Church, its spread?

8. The focus on Rome: the Church of Rome, its wealth, Leo X and his Cardinals, theological stances, Tetzel and his abuses, the selling of Indulgences? A basis for reformation?

9. Luther's theology, his personal struggles and conflicts, Augsburg, Wittenberg, the support of von Staupitz, the disputations with Eck, with Erasmus?

10. The political consequences of the Reformation? The Prince's supporting Luther? Duke Frederick's protection?

11. The issues of celibacy, Luther's leaving his monastery, the marriage with Catherine von Bora?

12. A portrait of Luther from the 1950s? The subsequent ecumenical dialogue?