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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:28

Mildred Pierce


US, 1945, 115 minutes, Black and White.
Joan Crawford, Jack Carson, Zachary Scott, Eve Arden, Ann Blyth.
Directed by Michael Curtiz.

Mildred Pierce is romantic melodrama, 1945 style and account has to be taken of the styles of the times, which are probably too much for our tastes. This was the famous role that won Joan Crawford an Oscar for the Best Actress of the year. She combines her energetic role with some sympathy, often missing from her extraordinary dominating roles as in Harriet Craig (1950). Ann Blyth gives an unusual performance as the completely spoilt and vicious daughter. Although dated in many aspects, it is worth looking at.

1. How would you classify this film ? drama, melodrama, soap-opera? Why?

2. What role did the structure of the film play? The nature of the flashbacks? Were they just routine or did they serve to heighten the drama and the mystery?

3. How effective was the opening with Monty being murdered and the suspicious actions of Mildred? Did the association of the death, Mildred thinking of suicide (why did you think, at the opening, that she was committing suicide? Was it the actual reason?) make you think that Mildred had done the murder?

4. How strongly drawn in the film was the character of Mildred? Did Joan Crawford play her sympathetically? What traits of character did you like about her? What incidents in the film highlighted these? How?

5. What were your first impressions of Wally? Why? Did they change? Why did Mildred lead him to the beach house? Did she hope he would be charged with the murder?

6. Why did the Pierce's marriage break up? Could it have been saved? What role did the daughters have in the marriage? What indicated from the start Mildred's love for her children? Was her husband a bad man or a weak man?

7. How was Mildred built up as a resourceful woman, especially in her setting up of the restaurants? Was this success overdone in the film or presented convincingly?

8. What were your first impressions of Veda? What of the scene where Veda despised her mother for waiting at tables but was happy at the thought of owning restaurants and being rich?

9. Was Veda a plausible character? Did Ann Blyth communicate a mixture of girlishness and wilfulness convincingly? How spoilt was she? How much was her mother to blame for this?

10. Discuss the relationship between Mildred and Veda, its strengths and weaknesses, the results of Veda's life, her contradictions? the flirting with Monty, borrowing money, her birthday presents, the marriage swindle, her wanting to get away from her mother, her singing and dancing, the final deceit and murder. Did you ever suspect her of the murder during the film? Why?

11. Why did Mildred take the blame for the murder? Why did she keep spoiling Veda ? for Veda's or for her own sake? What future did Veda have ? "I'll get by"?

12. Was Monty a credible playboy? Did he have any feeling at all for Mildred? He spoke of having pride. Did he really have any? Why did he allow Mildred to marry him? Why did he flirt with Veda?

13. The film was originally a box office success in the mid 40's. Can you see why?