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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:28

Milagro Beanfield War, The


US, 1988, 117 minutes, Colour.
Ruben Blades, Richard Bradford, Sonia Braga, Melanie Griffith, Christopher Walken, John Heard, James Gammon, Julie Carmen, Daniel Stern, Chick Vennera
Directed by Robert Redford.

The Milagro Beanfield War is based on a celebrated American novel by John Nicholls. Nicholls collaborated on the screenplay with writer David Ward (The Sting, Cannery Row). The film was directed by Robert Redford, his first directing job since Ordinary People, 1980.

The film is an attractive fable about Hispanic workers and development in a New Mexico valley. The water is diverted towards the new resort being developed. A farmer uses some of the water for a beanfield. There are clashes in the town, politics enters, the law.

While the film works on a realistic level, it is also a religious fantasy with an old man who sees visions but offers wisdom to the people as well as a character called The Coyote Angel who appears, helps the people, argues with the old man, does a little dancing.

The cast is excellent, an ensemble of actors and actresses from a wide background. Redford has them working together as an impressive ensemble. The New Mexico locations are Interesting and attractive, there is also an attractive score by Dave Grusin (On Golden Pond). An optimistic fable.

1. A social fable? Mystical and religious overtones? Relevance to the United States? Universal message?

2. New Mexico locations, the town of Milagro, the fields, the beauty of the valley and the hills, the small town, the large area, change? The score and themes?

3. The prologue and the dance, the old man and his getting up, 'Thank you God'? The angel and the town dying? The pig? The sheriff? 'Something about this day'? The general store, the bulldozer, 'Miracle Valley,' the future, the investors' party?

4. Joe and his being too tired to work, busy, broke, a father, the children, his relationship with his wife, no work, the water diverted, the old man and the beans, his becoming determined, not getting any credit from the store, discussing with his wife, the beans, sowing them, diverting the water, the attacks? The pig? The money and the job offer? Herb and his offering accommodation for him, their working together, talking? The shots and the sabotage? The meetings and his desperation? Ruby and Charlie Bloom taking up his cause? Clash with his wife? The shooting of the pig, of the old man? Fleeing? Pursued by Montana? Found by Shorty? His return, the vindication, the collecting of the crop? The symbolism of the little man?

5. The old man and his life, wisdom, veneration of the saints, the traditions, the angel in his life, their conversations, his love for the pig, observing all that was going on, the gun and the shots, his good aim, the sabotage? Herbie, friendship, the tapes and his wonder about the recorder, taking a stand, the gun, being injured, the people waiting in vigil, his strength and living, the final dance?

6. The angel and the old man, the Coyote Angel and his observation, dance, scattering the papers all around the town, his conversation, swearing, his comments, urging people on, the happy ending, Milagro meaning miracle?

7. Ruby and her work, at home, proud of Joe, taking a stand, going to visit Charlie, the argument about the article, the paper, the dispersing of the papers, the tricking of Charlie into the meeting, her forcefulness, going to visit Charlie (and the woman present), the vindication of her stand, a leader in the town?

8. Charlie and his retirement, past career, living a life of quiet, his partial failures, the pressure, Ruby's visit, the paper, writing the article, the distribution of the paper, tricked into going to the meeting, his anger, his clash with Montana, becoming Joe's lawyer?

9. The sheriff and the police, their relationship with Devine, the question of elections, taking sides, Montana's arrival, supplying information, watching the townspeople, going to the meetings?

10. Herbie the outsider, his study, no accommodation, Joe's help, his shed, the old man and his warnings, the snake and the spiders? The old man and talking, taping? The study and his experience, the work, the pig, shooting, his concern?

11. The mayor and his connection with Devine and the police? Trying to keep the peace?

12. Montana and his being deputised, wanting the old car, bashing the car, his stance, Devine and the challenges, tough attitudes, pursuing Joe into the hills, Shorty and the end? His anger with the sheriff and the stand taken? Orders from the capital, his final smile?

13. Devine and his plan, wealth, his friends, the golf course and the resort? The sabotage, the shootings? His wife and her presence, observing what was going on, the easy life? Shorty and the workers? The social stance? Losing?

14. The governor and his advisers, the moneyed interests, discussions, the law, Montana, changing stances because of the protest?

15. Hispanics and Americans, developing of New Mexico, the land, the law, poverty, futures? The taking of the stance by the little man and its vindication?