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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:27

Medea/ 1970


Italy, 1970, 110 minutes, Colour.
Maria Callas, Laurent Terzieff.
Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Medea is Pasolini's second adaptation of a Greek classic. The former film was Edipo Re with Franco Citti. This time he directs opera star Maria Callas in Euripides' play. She looks the part and gives a powerful performance as the barbarian princess who enters the civilised world of the Greeks only to be lost and driven towards murder and self-destruction. One of the best aspects of the film is the photography of the sets, the eerie lunar-like landscapes of Scythia and the contrast of the beauty of the Greek world. The ending is rather too swiftly paced for assimilation, but the film is a most impressive visual presentation of a classic.

1. Did the film presuppose a knowledge of Greek myths or could it be easily followed as it was presented?

2. What is the perpetual fascination of the legend and personality of Medea?

3. Comment on the point and the effectiveness of the centaur and Ids prologue and role in the film, his change from myth (half beast, half man) to reality (to man). Was this a change in religious? rational perspective?

4. What was the significance of the centaur landscape? its tranquil beauty, so Grecian?

5. What was the significance of the centaur's advice to Jason? Why was he encouraged as one specially chosen?

6. Comment on the contrast of the Scythian landscape with the Grecian - the visual stark beauty, the atmosphere of barbarity. How necessary for the theme of the film and Medea's change was this visual contrast for the audience?

7. Anthropologists have commented on the effectiveness of the presentation of Scythia, the landscape, costumes, people's manners, human sacrifice (ritual solemnity as well as an absolute faith in them to the eating of the victim, sharing), the significance of the victim, blood and the way the victim was killed. How strong were the overtones of Christianity here? Is this important for the film?

8. What was the role of Medea as a princess in this civilisation? The building up of Medea's brother, then the contrast of the urbane, Grecian Jason and Medea and her background.

9. What was the significance of the Golden Fleece ? for Medea, for Jason (as a goal of achievement) ?

10. What motivated Jason ? taking over the kingdom, the going on with the expedition, the adventure?

11. What motivated Medea in helping Jason ? her solemn going to the temple, her brother helping her? The escape, the vengeance of the pursuit. Comment on the legendary cutting up of the brother to thwart pursuit. Was this well prepared for?

12. How significant was the voyage for Medea, her arrival and the effect of the Grecian landscape on her?

13. At this point the centaur returns and comments. The film made much of myth and reality. How much myth does mankind need? It seems to be suggested that as a man grows older, he needs less myth - does the world seem more real or does the myth become the world? What was the point of the centaur's disquisition on inner and outer reality ? the two were one, inside Jason. Had the Greeks lost the myths and relied solely on their rational selves, contrasting with Medea, who lived myths, now in this Greek environment?

14. The significance of Medea's arrival - her run across the landscape, her elemental unity with the earth and the sun, water?

15. Medea consummates her love for Jason in this environment. How important was this for her? was it important for him, or was it merely a form of lust?

16. Why did the film make a jump of ten years? Did this harm the pace of the film in any way?

17. The second part opened with Medea's alienation, the effect of ten years Greek association, the lessening of her potential, of her nature; her estrangement from Jason, yet her love of her children.

18. Comment on this third landscape: the city (Pisa's buildings were used), the cliff, the sea, Medea and the sea.

19. What has happened to Jason in Greece, in power ? his seeming emasculation, his playing with the children?

20. What role did the King play in the film? (Why had he not abdicated?) His influence on Jason, attitude to Medea? The princess?

21. What was the effect of the repetition in the screenplay ? the gift and the deaths how much reality, how much fantasy, how much of Medea's mind and feelings?

22. The significance of Medea's drawing strength from the sun, its divine inspiration, her changing back to her former self and its affect on Jason?

23. Why was the princess so trusting?

24. The significance of the banishment on Medea? on Jason - and his consummation of his love for the Princess?

25. How do you explain Medea's killing of her children?

26. The rapid ending? The final crisis? What had been achieved? Its effect on the audience?

27. Greek drama aimed at catharsis of emotions. Is this relevant to this film version of Euripides? Why did Pasolini! make this film? What effect on audiences did he want?