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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:27

Mean Season, The


US, 1985, 103 minutes, Colour.
Kurt Russell, Mariel Hemingway, Richard Jordan, Richard Masur, Richard Bradford, Joe Pantoliano, Andy Garcia.
Directed by Philip Borsos.

The Mean Season is a time of storms in Miami, Florida. It is the title of an effective murder thriller, a focus on a serial thriller who uses a journalist as a means of self-publicity and communication.

Kurt Russell is persuasive, almost as menacing as the killer. The supporting cast includes Mariel Hemingway as Russell's girlfriend, Richard Masur as his editor.

The film shows work in a newspaper office, the police and the journalist tracking down the clues of the murders, the crisis for the journalist is he begins to identify with the killer, the killer making sure that the journalist and out of the limelight. There is quite an exciting conclusion to the film. Direction is by Philip Borsos (The Grey Fox, One Magic Christmas).

1. Enjoyable thriller? Murder mystery? Journalist's film? Police work?

2. Florida and Miami settings, the visual impact of the seasons? The environment, the Everglades? The editing and pace and the climax? Atmospheric score?

3. The title, the weather, the season for murder and the dramatic use of the weather? the weather and the climax?

4. Malcolm Anderson and his reputation, his return home, resolution to resign? Relationship with Christine, Colorado? Going to the newspaper office first, before seeing Christine? The news, on the go, the story, sent by the editor, the mother and her grief, the photographer, staying with the mother, suppressing the photo? His feelings, the write-up, his becoming involved?

5. The editor, the pressures, praising Malcolm's talent for investigation, that this was what he did well, possibilities of Pulitzer Prize? Malcolm's response that he was tired of having his name beside photos of corpses?

6. The police, wary of Malcolm, clashes, Wilson and Ray, collaboration? Giving of information, sharing, involvement? Their characters, their work? Interviews? Ray's supporting Malcolm with the phone calls? The confrontation at the end?

7. Christine and her teaching, resignation, love for Malcolm, wary about his work, arguments about the killer, the Peal and their clash, the ride home, at home, the phone calls, her horror at Malcolm identifying with the killer, her answering him passionately, Malcolm angry because of the door left open? The threat to Christine, her being taken, her. fear out in the Everglades with the killer, his letting her go, the final confrontation?

8. The character of Malcolm, journalist, as a man, his reputation and skills? Love for Christine? Excitement by the work? The phone calls, the psyche of the killer, the information, the bond between the two, writing the articles, the headlines, national television, the press reaction? The proof of the first murder? The announcing of the consequent murders? Malcolm horrified but still listening? Angry with Christine? His relationship with the killer, identification but disgust? The waiting, the visit and his being deceived by the killer, searching the caravan? Admitting the hoax? The reconciliation with Christine, fears for her? The killer and the taking of the limelight, the information from the man from Chicago, putting a name to him, the apartment, the tape for Malcolm? The taking of Christine, Malcolm driving and running, the confrontation in the Everglades? The quiet finale at home, Allen's arrival, Malcolm as scared, shooting? Writing the final article with Christine and the Colorado address? Would they stay there?

9. Allen, a voice, the murders, his detachment, psyche, wanting fame? The psychologist and their observations, noting Malcolm doing well in speaking with him? The violence and the cruelty? The newspapers, the limelight? Using Malcolm, personalising, identifying? Jealousy of Malcolm, watching the television? His disguising himself and leading Malcolm on with the interview? The build-up to the final murders, the announcement about Christine, at the school, taking her, in the Everglades, the final phone call, the tape for Malcolm, the chase? The dead body? The irony of his fifth murder, coming into Christine's flat, the confrontation, his confidence, death? Portrait of a serial killer? Madness?

10. The ugliness of the killings, the pathos of the victims, the baby? The police, the role of the press? The mediator? The murderer's demands?

11. The happy ending? and how long in Colorado?