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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:27

Black Narcissus


UK, 1947, 100 minutes, Colour.
Deborah Kerr, David Farrar, Jean Simmons, Sabu, Kathleen Byron, Flora Robson.
Directed by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.

Black Narcissus is considered a British classic film. Written and directed by The Archers, Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, it was made in London studios in 1947. Jack Cardiff was the cinematographer and found ways of recreating the atmosphere of India and its location scenery in the studios.

The film is interesting insofar as it is a high melodrama, set amongst the Indians and the British who lived there before partition. The focus is on a young prince played by Sabu and a young girl infatuated with him, played by Jean Simmons in an early role. The other focus of the film is an Anglican community of sisters where Deborah Kerr (at the age of twenty-six) is the Superior. Flora Robson is also in the community as is Kathleen Byron in her most stand-out role as the tormented and insane Sister Ruth.

The film recreates the atmosphere of the convent, touches of repression, touches of kindness, the way that religious life was expected to be lived in those days. David Farrer plays a local authority who plays havoc with the emotions of the sisters. There is a highly melodramatic final confrontation between Deborah Kerr and Kathleen Byron.

Deborah Kerr made I See a Dark Stranger at this time with The Archers. At this time also, she went to Hollywood to star in The Hucksters with Clark Gable and began a very successful career there. She also acted as a nun, a Catholic nun, in Heaven Knows, Mr Allison. (She also appeared in the spoof, Casino Royale, disguised as a nun.)

The Archers were a powerful force in British cinema, especially in the 1940s. Some of their outstanding films include The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, A Canterbury Tale, The Small Back Room. At the end of his career, after a scandal associated with the horror thriller, Peeping Tom, Michael Powell made two films in Australia: They’re a Weird Mob and Age of Consent.

1. The title referred to perfume and to the young General. Was this an adequate title for the film? Why?

2. The film concerned nuns. Was it a religious film? Why?

3. How did the film communicate the atmosphere of India? its remoteness, its life and styles, and its influence on people, especially Europeans?

4. Was the narrative technique successful? Was the film colourful in its presentation of India and effectively so? How?

5. Initial impressions of the Nuns? In the discussion of the foundation and the choice of the nuns to go? In the choice of Sister Clodagh as Superior? Why was she chosen? Was this a wise choice? Was the foundation of the Convent in the mountains a sensible decision? Why? The personality of Sister Clodagh: her attitude toward her choice as Superior, her superior attitudes, did her past life explain her? her love for the man who went to America, the home life and the solitude of Ireland. gifts and girlishness? Was disappointment in love the sole reason for her entering the Convent? Had she overcome this motivation in her dedication? Was she truly concerned with the welfare of the Sisters? How well did she relate to them? Understand them? Why was she so haughty towards Mr. Dean? Did she try to impose her own ideas and those of the Society on people? Why did she change? Was it the place? The work? The influence of Dean? The irony of the Convent being in the General's palace? What irony came through this? The chorus treatment of the caretaking lady? How effective was this?

8. The Sister gardener - the reason for her going to the foundation? Why did she find it difficult? Her role in the garden? Her planting flowers instead of vegetables? Her wanting to get away?

9. Sister Bryony: her strength, her concern for her patients, her role in the community? How did the remoteness and the work there affect her?

10. Sister Honey - her kindness and understanding? Her contribution to the community? her over-reaction to the sick child? How was she affected by the atmosphere? What influence did her behaviour have on their ultimate success? Especially with the death of the baby and the refusal of the people to come?

11. Sister Ruth? What was wrong with her? Why was she so neurotic? Why was she a nun? Why hadn't she gone earlier, since vows were annual? Why did she go to the foundation? Why was she jealous of Sister Clodagh? Was she really attracted to Mr Dean? How do you explain her jealous behaviour? The impact of the sequence where she was dressed and made up? Her madness in running away? The effect of Dean's rejection of her? How mad was she when she fought with Sister Clodagh at the bell? Was her death too melodramatic?

12. Why did the old General have the foundation? Especially since the Brothers' foundation, failed? What did he expect from the Sisters? What effect were they supposed to have on the people? Why did he pay the people to come? Would it have become a habit with them?

13. The role of the young General, the black Narcissus? As the younger generation in India? his ambitions for learning, his typing, his attendance at classes? The reaction of the nuns to his personality, to his clothes etc? His falling in love with the young girl? Was this credible?

14. The young girl and her relationship with Dean? Her life in the convent? Her trying to lure the young Prince and her success? Was this credible? Her being punished? What aspect of India did she represent?

15. The sequences of teaching and nursing and the tolling of the bell? How well did they communicate what the nuns were doing?

16. Why were there so many clashes of personality and changes in personality? In such scenes as the Christmas Carols and Dean's drunkenness?

17. Why did the foundation and the nuns break down? Was this inevitable?

18. Was the climax with Sr Clodagh and Sr Ruth a symbol of what was happening with them all?

19. What had Sr Clodagh learnt by the end of the film? Had she changed? Was it better that she go back into community and not be Superior?

20. This film is considered by many as a classic. Why?