UK, 1963, 98 minutes, Black and White.
Tom Courtenay, Julie Christie, Mona Washbourne, Wilfred Pickles, Rodney Bewes, Finlay Currie.
Directed by John Schlesinger.
Billy Liar is from a play by Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall, a comedy, which, by the end, turns rather serious in implication. It is in the tradition of the suburban British kitchen-sink dramas of the early 60's.
John Schlesinger's previous film was A Kind of Loving. The next was to be Darling. Later films were to be Far From the Madding Crowd, Midnight Cowboy, and Sunday, Bloody Sunday. Here Schlesinger uses his talent for realism along with some fancy, fantasy sequences.
Tom Courtenay is excellent as Billy, one of his many brilliant performances. Julie Christie, soon to win an Oscar 1n Schlesinger’s Darling, made a striking impression in a short sequence where she walks down a street.
There are many fine observations on British life and people, some good satire. The ending is sad as Billy decides to remain in his fantasy world.
1. Why the title?
2. What was the effect of the credit-sequences; the BBC, suburbia, Godfrey Wynne and housewives' songs? How well did this establish the setting of the film and its British theme?
3. How typical a modern young man was Billy - or was he a caricature, or perhaps an exaggeration of what many young men think and feel?
4. Did you like Billy? Why?
5. What did you think of his parents? Were they typical or caricatures? Why? Did they help Billy at all? What did they offer him? Did they drive him into fantasy?
7. How irresponsible was Billy as regards his girlfriends, especially concerning the ring (and Barbara's and Rita's fight) and avoiding them? Why had he allowed himself to get into this dither? Did he have any genuine feelings for them?
8. What role did Liz play in the film? How well done was the famous Julie Christie walk, down the street? What part did it play in the film, in establishing Liz's character? The Danny Boons opening?
9. What influence did Liz have on Billy? Did he like her? Love her? How did she encourage him e.g. his song at the dance? Her honest talk?
10. How much truth was said in their talk in the park - being invisible, living in another world, etc? How much was concession to fantasy? (What was the effect of his friend's overhearing it? Why?)
11. How telling was the sequence when Billy is told off by his Dad? How did you feel? Was the father right? Was this the way to handle Billy?
12. What of his relationship with his mother? His grandmother’s death? Did his mother encourage him?
13. Were you glad he decided to go to London with Liz? Did she give him good advice? Did you think he would turn up? Why?
14. Why did he avoid leaving? Why couldn't he have done it directly instead of pretending about the milk? Were you sorry he did not go? Why?
15. What future did he have? Did he surrender and go into his own world? Was he sane at the end?
16. Did writers and directors intend to say that modern British suburban life, style end pressures do this to its youth? Did they say this? How optimistic is this film about the Billy Liars end potential Billy Liars of this world? Why?