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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:27

Black Point


US, 110 minutes, Colour.
David Caruso, Susan Haskell, Thomas Ian Griffiths, Miguel Sandoval, Gordon Tootootsis.
Directed by David Mackay

Point Black is a police thriller. It is an average entertainment, rather slow in building up to the action - although it can be misleading, audiences thinking that leading lady, Susan Haskell, is as innocent as she looks and sounds. However, it is soon clear that she is in the film noir tradition, the femme fatale who is eager for the money and will let no-one stand in her way.

David Caruso is the ex-navy veteran, an alcoholic after the abduction of his daughter. He works at a local café, a fishing village, friendly with a native American (Gordon Tootootsis). Thomas Ian Griffiths is a drug runner and money launderer for big power, Miguel Sandoval.

David Caruso appeared in a number of films like this after his leaving NYPD Blue and his comeback in CSI Miami.

1. Entertaining thriller? Familiar material? Run-of-the-mill kind of story? Yet, keeping audience interest?

2. The town of Point Black, the sea, the coast and the woods? The musical score? The significance of the title and its tone?

3. The introduction to Jack, the abduction of his daughter, the reaction of his wife, his past expertise in the navy, well trained, his becoming an alcoholic? His working at the diner, his being friends with The Bear? The delivery to Natalie, her asking him to fix the sink, the friendship, his return? His infatuation with Natalie? His surprise at her turning against him? Her framing him? The pursuit, his hiding and her thinking he was dead? His pursuit of Gus, of the criminals? Bear and his being tortured? The sheriff, discussions with her? His being taken, getting away, the pursuit of Gus, the money, the shooting? Natalie and her continued plot twists? The ultimate confrontation, Gus's death? His visiting Natalie in prison?

4. Natalie, the seemingly abused housewife, her fears of Gus, the bond with Jack, his hiding her, their going out, the sexual relationship? Her brutality towards him? Her not killing him, infatuation with him, the pursuit, her thinking he was dead? Her injuring herself and roughing the house? Her going to hospital, the explanations to Gus, the police? Her intrigues, blaming Malcolm, switching from one stance to another, saying that Jack was not the intruder? Her going for the money, the confrontation with Gus, her shooting him? Her going to prison - and hopes for a relationship with Jack?

5. Malcolm, the drug chief, the method of money laundering, his henchman, the boats? The double-dealings, the shootings, the bashing of The Bear and of Jack? Jack fighting back?

6. Gus, his relationship with Natalie, the money laundering, his brutality, professions of love, the money missing, his brother dead? His anger, the pursuit of Jack? His pursuit of Malcolm, believing Natalie? The final shoot-out?

7. The sheriff, her work in the town, her friendship with Jack, believing him? The pursuit of evidence? Fred as her assistant, the fact that he was being paid off by Gus, his phone call?

8. The familiar story of drug dealing, drug bosses, money laundering, the lone hero with a grudge, the femme fatale and her manipulation of people's emotions, the betrayals, the shoot-outs? Familiar American stories?