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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:27

Critters 2: The Main Course


US, 1988, 82 minutes, Colour.
Scott Grimes, Liane Curtis, Barry Corbin, Terence Mann.
Directed by Mike Garris.

Critters 2 takes up the action of the original film, two years later. Once again, it is a small-budget science fiction thriller, emulating Gremlins.

The strange creatures are sinister types of prickly balls, reminiscent of the gremlins - with their same viciousness, black humour, potential for savagery and destruction. Once again we have the simple American town (echoes of Our Town with Grover's Corner). There are also space patrols who land and help the residents fight the critters. The young hero of the original family returns home after two years and helps the town in its struggle against the critters.

Derivative of E.T., Gremlins and many other films about aliens in the galaxies, but does not take itself too seriously and is an enjoyable, brief example of the genre.

1. The popularity of aliens from outer space? Sinister aliens? The battle of the humans against the aliens? The sequel and its relationship to the original?

2. The average American town, Grover's Corner? The picture of the town, homes, barns, church, buildings? The presentation of the critters - the special effects, their small ugly viciousness? In the enormous ball? Their destructiveness, killings? Special effects for the humans? The special effects for the spacecraft, the friendly visitors from space, their transformation into other personalities?

3. The title, the tongue-in cheek aspect of the title?

4. The situation, Brad coming home, the memories of the critters, his covering this up? The meeting with Megan? His grandmother? Home for the holiday? The citizens of the town, friendliness, antagonism towards him? Blaming him for the attack of the critters?

5. Brad, his background, coming home, with Megan, helping in the fight against the critters? Megan as heroine, reporter, the dangers? The 1ittle girl and the grandmother? The Easter background and the celebrations, the fight against the critters, the little girl in danger?

6. The atmosphere of the Easter celebration, the irony of the religious overtones? The celebration with the eggs, the critters' eggs being painted, their deadly attack on people? The auxiliary, the children, the games, the people in the church? The minister?

7. Megan's father, the newspaper, the reports, his scepticism, the attack?

8. The alien friendly people and their coming to Earth to get the critters? The leader, his transforming? The anonymous alien and transforming into the glamorous girl, into the awkward boy, the leader transforming into Charlie? Charlie, his help, his reputation as the town drunk, a person and personality in space? His leading the critters away, his return?

9. The critters themselves, increasing and multiplying, their viciousness, destruction (the old man in the warehouse)? Their wanting to eat, devouring the cattle? The plan to get them to the hamburger factory, the lure of the cheeseburger? The contrast with the human prey? Their going into the enormous ball? Their ultimate destruction?

10. The supporting characters, the personalities in the town, the boy who stole the eggs, his redeeming himself and helping? The range of people at the Easter celebrations? A tongue-in-cheek science fiction alien show?