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Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:27

Crime of Passion


US, 1956, 86 minutes, Black and white.
Barbara Stanwyck, Sterling Hayden, Raymond Burr, Fay Wray, Royal Dano, Virginia Grey.
Directed by Gerd Oswald.

Crime of Passion is an old-fashioned but well-made B-thriller starring Barbara Stanwyck at the end of her cinema career in the mid-'50s. Films at the time included Cattle Queen of Montana, Maverick Queen, Witness to Murder. She was to move successfully into television with The Big Valley. Her strong screen personality is used well here from the ambitious career woman to the cruel passionate murderess. She receives excellent support from Sterling Hayden as a simple dedicated policeman. Raymond Burr and Fay Wray lead the supporting cast. There is a good role for Royal Dano. Direction is by Gerd Oswald who made a number of small thrillers including A Kiss Before Dying.

1. A satisfying thriller? Murder mystery? Psychological study?

2. A film of the '50s, B-budget, black and white photography, San Francisco and Los Angeles locations? Authentic atmosphere? Police story? The stars and the strong cast?

3. A Barbara Stanwyck vehicle? Screen presence, personality, strength? Audience identification with her? Repugnance by her - the parallel with the Joan Crawford kind of role?

4. Kate as a career woman, her work on the paper, her column, her relationship with the people at the paper. the encounter with the murderer and writing up the column? Her drive? The visit to Los Angeles? The encounter with Bill, infatuation, falling in love, her going to New York, waiting for his phone call and going to him? What did she want, from him?

5. The wedding, Los Angeles suburban life, the police wives and their parties, her reaction and frustration? How authentic the party chatter with the focus on things feminine, the limited world of the police, the ambitions of police wives?

6. The routine of Los Angeles police work, its steadiness, work at the precinct, the hours and Bill being taken away from her, her growing interest in his career, his capacity for rising or not? The comparison with Alidos (and the Spanish-speaking people in Los Angeles) and his intensity? Her dislike of him?

7. The picture of this Los Angeles suburban society, closed society, the attention to detail? Kate's clash with Sara and her jealousy? The manoeuvring of the encounter with Alice, the set-up with the car, going into her home, meeting Tony. arranging the party, taking over Alice's work, excluding Sara? The set-up for Bill? Her manipulation?

8. Tony and his authority with the police, Alice, and her nerves? Their interaction with Bill and Kathy? Kathy's pursuit of Tony, his knowing it, her using him, persuading him about Hill? The night together and Tony's reaction? His decision about Bill and Alidos? Her madness and killing him?

9. Bill and his work, not understanding Kathy, willing to change jobs, being pushed around? The irony that the investigation with which he was successful was in finding his wife as the killer? Interrogations, evidence, conclusions?

10. Kathy and the killing, going home, the news, Bill asking her to look after Alice, the detail of his coming how, the confrontation, hex going to the police station?

11. The character of Alidos and his ability, the contrast with Bill? Both good men?

12. Old material but perennial - and always interesting and entertaining?